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GitHub Action

AI Review Flex

v0.3.0 Latest version

AI Review Flex


AI Review Flex

Fully customizable AI reviewer


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: AI Review Flex

uses: baseballyama/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in baseballyama/ai-review-flex

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AI Review Flex

AI Review Flex is a versatile GitHub Action that employs AI to review code against project-specific guidelines. By interpreting markdown coding guides, it delivers tailored feedback for each pull request to uphold your coding standards.

Goals of AI Review Flex

The primary goal of AI Review Flex is to streamline the code review process by integrating AI-powered analysis into your project workflow. This tool aims to:

  • Enforce Coding Standards: Automatically ensure that all code submissions adhere to your project's specific coding guidelines.
  • Enhance Code Quality: Assist in maintaining high code quality by providing smart, context-aware suggestions for improvement.
  • Save Time: Reduce the manual effort required in code reviews, allowing developers to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Facilitate Learning: Help team members learn coding standards and best practices through consistent, AI-driven feedback.
  • Support Incremental Improvement: Enable incremental reviews to gradually improve code within the context of recent changes.

By integrating AI Review Flex into your GitHub Actions, you embrace a proactive approach to code quality that benefits the whole development team, leading to more reliable and maintainable codebases.

Non-Goals of AI Review Flex

While AI Review Flex aims to enhance the code review process, it's important to note the boundaries of its functionality. The following are explicitly not goals of this tool:

  • Non-Review Assistance: AI Review Flex is not designed to provide support beyond code reviews, such as generating summaries for pull requests or conducting any form of project management.
  • Standalone Library Provision: The tool is solely created to function as a GitHub Action. It is not intended to be used as a library or to be integrated into other forms of CI/CD pipelines outside GitHub.


To use AI Review Flex, make sure you have:

  • A GitHub repository.
  • An OpenAI API Key.


Incorporate this action in your workflow (.github/workflows/main.yml) with the required settings:

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
    # Needed to get diffs
    fetch-depth: 0
- name: AI Review Flex
  uses: baseballyama/ai-review-flex@v0
    OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    LANGUAGE: "English"
    CODING_GUIDE_PATH: "path/to/"
    CODING_GUIDE_FILE_PATTERN: "File Pattern:\\s*`?(.+)`?$"
    CODING_GUIDE_READER: "path/to/custom_reader.js"
    DEBUG: false

Customizing Coding Rules

Configure these parameters in the workflow for tailored coding standard reviews:

Parameter Description Required Default
CODING_GUIDE_PATH Path to markdown coding rules. No -
CODING_GUIDE_LEVEL Markdown level to interpret as rules. No 2
CODING_GUIDE_ENABLE_PATTERN Regex pattern to match reviewed rules. No AI Review.*ON
CODING_GUIDE_FILE_PATTERN Regex for file paths to apply rules. No File Pattern:\s*/?(.+)/?$
CODING_GUIDE_READER Path to a .js custom rule reader function. No -
LANGUAGE Language preference for reviews. No "English"
DEBUG Enable debug mode for detailed logs. No false

Example custom rule reader function:

import * as fs from "node:fs";

export default async (): Promise<{ rule: string, filePattern: RegExp }[]> => {
  const markdown = await fs.promises.readFile("", "utf-8");
  return markdown
    .split("## ")
    .map((rule) => `## ${rule}`)
    .filter(() => {
      /** some filter process */
      return true;
    .map((rule) => {
      const [, filePattern = ".*"] = rule.match(/File Pattern: (\S+)$/m) ?? [];
      return { rule, filePattern: RegExp(filePattern) };

Set the custom reader in your workflow as:

CODING_GUIDE_READER: "path/to/your/rules-reader.js"

Example of Coding Rules

Please see to check example of coding rules.

Incremental Reviews

AI Review Flex supports not only one-time comprehensive reviews but also incremental reviews. Incremental reviews focus on changes made since the last code analysis, allowing for continuous integration of feedback and improvements. To initiate an incremental review on your pull request, simply add the following comment:

/ai-review-flex incremental

For a full review that encompasses all changes in the pull request, use the comment:


This feature ensures that your team can keep code quality high by systematically reviewing incremental changes, thus making code reviews more efficient and focused.


Configure the action, and it will automatically review PRs based on your rules.


Suggestions and contributions are appreciated! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.


Distributed under the MIT License.