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The RODeO model explores optimal system design and operation considering different levels of grid integration, equipment cost, operating limitations, financing, and credits and incentives. RODeO is a price-taker model formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model using the GAMS modeling platform.


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The Revenue, Operation, and Device Optimization (RODeO) model explores optimal system design and operation considering different levels of grid integration, equipment cost, operating limitations, financing, and credits and incentives. RODeO is a price-taker model formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model in the GAMS modeling platform. The objective is to maximizes the net revenue for a collection of equipment at a given site. The equipment includes generators (e.g., gas turbine, steam turbine, solar, wind, hydro, fuel cells, etc.), storage systems (batteries, pumped hydro, gas-fired compressed air energy storage, long-duration systems, hydrogen), and flexible loads (e.g., electric vehicles, electrolyzers, flexible building loads). The input data required by RODeO can be classified into three bins. 1). utility service data, which refers to retail utility rate information (meter cost, energy and demand charges). 2). Electricity market data, which include energy and reserve prices. 3) other inputs, which refer to additional electrical demand, product output demand, technological assumptions, financial properties, and operational parameters.

This model requires GAMS ( and an appropriate solver (developed using CPLEX). Additionally there are scripts written in Python and Matlab that can aid in input/output functionality but are not required to run RODeO. Below are seven easy steps to run RODeO.

Preparing to run RODeO

Step 1. Open the "Projects" folder and create a new project item by copying the "Test" folder. Decide if you want to perform an analyis using wholesale or retail rates. If retail continue to step 2, if wholesale skip to step 4

Step 2. Determine the retail utility rates that you want to model from URDB and populate "RODeO/Projects/Test/Data_files/CSV_data/Profile_selection/list_of_rates.csv" with the URDB id values

Step 3. Open "RODeO/create_tariff_files/". Update "Analysis_path" with your desired path and run.

Step 4. All files in "RODeO/Projects/Test/Data_files/TXT_files" can be created manually if preferred; however, if you are using retail rates or you want to create data input files in bulk you can use "RODeO/create_tariff_files/GAMS_output.m" in Matlab

Bulk file creation can be done by first, updating the files in "RODeO/Projects/Test/Data_files/CSV_data" that begin with "GAMS", as desired. Then running GAMS_output.m. With the exception of the "GAMS_AS.xlsx" all other files can be used to create multiple sets of inputs by increasing the number of columns with data, as shown in "GAMS_renewables.xlsx".

Running that script will create all the files needed to run RODeO except for "Devices_parameters_empty.csv", "Devices_ren_parameters_empty.csv" and "Compressors_cost.csv", which are already in the "Test" project directory.

Step 5. Open Storage_dispatch.gms in GAMS. Make desired adjustments. See more detailed description of model inputs further down in the README.

Step 6. If you are running from the GUI skip to the next step. If you want to run in parallel using batch files continue with this step. Open "RODeO/Projects/Batch_files" There are three methods to create batch files.

  1. Use "Gams caller text generator.xlsx" to create text strings which then can be split into multiple files using "Split_files.xlsx" and copied into batch files
  2. Use GAMS_prep_batch_v6_3 if you are creating many complicated runs (>1000). This script uses relationship files between inputs to create batch runs
  3. [NOT COMPLETE] Use "" to run one or more runs from python. Once the batch files are produced (for options 1 and 2). Copy them to the main RODeO directory (i.e., the folder that contains "Storage_dispatch.gms") and run them from there.

Step 7. After running all of the desired scenarios the results are contained in the "RODeO/Projects/Test/Output" folder. There are several ways of compiling those results.

  1. Use "RODeO/Combine_output_files/combine_output_files.m" to combine all summary files into a single csv. Open the script file, set the destination folder, run the script. The output will be in the project "Output" folder titled "Combined_results1.csv"
  2. Use "RODeO/Combine_output_files/" to combine any output files into a mySQL database. Open the script file, use the first section to sort out machine readable information from the filename of each file. Then run.

Setting up RODeO for your analysis

At a high level, RODeO will take in direct input or load from files and perform the desired optimization. There are several toggles that change the mode of operation that are important to understand and will be described below along with a general description of other inputs.

Property Description
run_opt_breakeven Switches to an iteration mode that updates the product cost until a break-even value is achieved
NEM_nscr Toggles on and off the use of Net Energy Metering (NEM)
Max_input_prof_inst The maximum setpoint for input devices as a fraction of their installed power
Max_output_prof_inst The maximum setpoint for output devices as a fraction of their installed power
product_consumed_inst The normalized profile for the sale of product
elec_rate_instance The retail rate used. If run_retail_instance is set to use wholesale rates then it doesn't matter what rate is selected here.
load_prof_instance The additional load that must be met.
AS_price_inst The ancillary service prices including regulation up, regulation down, spinning reserve and non-spinning reserve.
Device_parameters_inst Table of parameters that can be used to define multiple unique generator, storage or demand response devices to be simultaneously optimized.
Device_ren_params_inst Table of parameters that can be used to define multiple unique renewable devices on the system to be simultaneously optimized.
energy_purchase_price_inst Wholesale electricity purchase price
energy_sale_price_inst Wholesale electricity sale price
MACRS_instance Desired MACRS depreciation schedule
NG_price_instance Normalized timeseries of natural gas prices (later multiplied by NG_price_adj_instance)
NSCR_instance Net Surplus Compensation Rate. Used for determining the revenue from the sale of excess electricity to the grid under NEM rates
product_price_prof_inst Normalized (max is 1) timeseries of product sale prices (later multiplied by Product_price_instance)
ren_prof_instance Normalized (max is 1) timeseries of renewable generation from renewable device (later multiplied by Renewable_MW_instance)
outdir Path to output directory (because of the potential size of this folder github will not save data in this folder [see .gitignore in repository])
indir Path to input directory
file_name_instance User defined filename for the outputs (consider making this structured and machine readable for later processing)
devices_instance Determines the number of devices to be optimized (if greater than 1 RODeO will draw from Device_parameters_inst
use_alt_devices Used to create an alternative technology to compare with all devices (e.g., compare the cost of an electric bus fleet to a diesel hybrid bus fleet without post-processing)
use_all_devices Forces operation of all installed devices (goes along with use_alt_devices, use_smart_charging, and soft_cons_device_inst)
use_smart_charging Similar to use_alt_devices this allows for comparison between optimized and non-optimized device charging without post-processing (e.g., compare immediate vehicle charging to smart charging). This input relies on Storage_penalty to force immediate charging by adding a large penalty value for any delay in charging.
soft_cons_device_inst Specialized input that will incrementally reduce the capacity factor setpoint for fixed capacity factor devices until a feasible solution is achieved. (this was coded for modeling a fleet of electric buses that must deal with charging constraints). This input also relies on CF_penalty and CF_incremental_change_value as setpoints.
input_cap_instance Input storage or demand response installed capacity. [MW]
output_cap_instance Output generator or storage installed capacity. [MW]
Renewable_MW_instance Sets the installed renewable capacity [MW]
price_cap_instance Implements a cap on energy_purchase_price_inst and energy_sale_price_inst [$/MWh]
max_output_cap_inst Implements a maximum AC export power (e.g., inverter size) [MW]
max_input_cap_inst Implements a maximum AC import power [MW]
allow_import_instance Enables or disables electricity import from the grid
allow_sales_instance Enables or disables electricity export to the grid
input_LSL_instance Lower sustainable operation limit fraction for input device [0 to 1] (i.e., the input device will operate between 100% capacity and this value but must shutoff at any setpoints below this value).
output_LSL_instance Lower sustainable operation limit fraction for output device [0 to 1] (i.e., the output device will operate between 100% capacity and this value but must shutoff at any setpoints below this value).
Input_start_cost_inst Cost value for the input device to start [$/start]
Output_start_cost_inst Cost value for the output device to start [$/start]
input_efficiency_inst Efficiency of input device [0 to 1]
output_efficiency_inst Efficiency of output device [0 to 1]
input_heat_rate Input heatrate for devices that consume natural gas (e.g., steam methane reformer) [MMBtu/MWh produced]
output_heat_rate Output heatrate for devices that consume natural gas (e.g., combustion turbine) [MMBtu/MWh produced]
renew_cap_cost_inst Renewable device capital cost [$/MW]
input_cap_cost_inst Input device capital cost [$/MW]
input_cap_alt_cst_inst Alternate input device capital cost [$/MW] (goes along with use_alt_devices)
output_cap_cost_inst Output device capital cost [$/MW]
ProdStor_cap_cost_inst Capital cost for energy storage [$/unit of product] (included if purchased separately, e.g., hydrogen tank)
ProdComp_cap_cost_inst Capital cost for compressor [$/unit of product/hour]
renew_FOM_cost_inst Renewable device fixed operation and maintenance cost [$/MW-yr]
input_FOM_cost_inst Input device fixed operation and maintenance cost [$/MW-yr]
input_FOM_alt_cost_inst Alternate input device fixed operation and maintenance cost [$/MW-yr] (goes along with use_alt_devices)
output_FOM_cost_inst Output device fixed operation and maintenance cost [$/MW-yr]
input_VOM_cost_inst Variable operation and maintenance cost for input device [$/MWh]
output_VOM_cost_inst Variable operation and maintenance cost for output device [$/MWh]
storage_cap_instance Hours of duration for input device to fill the storage system [hours] (can be changed to output device by changing storage_level_accounting_init_eqn, storage_level_accounting_final_eqn, and storage_level_limit_eqn in GAMS)
storage_set_instance Toggles a feature that sets the initial volume and end volume levels (particularly useful for long-duration energy storage)
storage_init_instance Setpoint for the initial volume level as a fraction of the entire storage system [0 to 1]
storage_final_instance Setpoint for the final volume level as a fraction of the entire storage system [0 to 1]
stor_dissipation_inst Storage dissipation term as a percentage of input power. Dissipation occurs every interval at this level [0 to 1]
reg_cost_instance Variable costs associated with providing regulation [$/MW-h]
min_runtime_instance The minimum number of intervals that the input and output device must be on.
ramp_penalty_instance Penalty for ramping input and output devices [$/MW/interval]
wacc_instance Weighted Average Cost of Capital (this value is calculated based on the next values)
perc_equity_instance Percentage of equity towards the capital cost of all devices [0 to 1]
ror_instance Rate of Return [0 to 1]
roe_instance Rate of equity [0 to 1]
debt_interest_instance Interest rate on debt [0 to 1]
cftr_instance Combined Federal and local taxes [0 to 1]
bonus_deprec_instance Bonus depreciation fraction [0 to 1]
inflation_inst Annual inflation rate [0 to 1]
study_years_inst Years considered in study period [years]
op_length_instance Number of time intervals in study period
op_period_instance Number of intervals in each operating period (rolling solution window)
int_length_instance Length of interval (e.g., 1 for hourly, 0.25 for 15 minute)
lookahead_instance Number of additional intervals to look past the current operating period
energy_only_instance Toggle between optimizing only energy arbitrage and co-optimizing energy arbitrage and ancillary services
Product_use_instance Determines if product is sold
product_conv_inst Conversion factor used to establish the units of product produced, stored, and sold (e.g., hydrogen, electricity)
CF_opt_instance Toggle to enable or disable optimization of the capacity factor
CF_adj_inst If CF_opt_instance is toggled off then this value sets a fixed capacity factor
Product_price_instance Sets the product price if product is sold [$/unit of product] (this value acts as an initial estimate if run_opt_breakeven is toggled on)
base_op_instance Toggle that forces the input device to operate in baseload mode (i.e., at rated capacity for every interval)
NG_price_adj_instance Sets the price of natural gas [$/MMBtu]
REC_price_inst Price for Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) [$/MWh]
run_retail_instance Toggles between different grid interaction configurations (wholesale, retail and hybrid)
NBC_instance NEM2.0 Non-bypassable charges [$/MWh]
one_active_device_inst Toggle that enables or disables storage devices from simultaneously charging and discharging
ITC_inst Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) level [0 to 1]. Determines the fraction of capital cost that is eligible for a tax subsidy.
current_int_instance Current interval for real-time controller optimization
next_int_instance Next interval for real-time controller optimization
current_stor_instance Current storage level for real-time controller optimization [0 to 1]
current_max_instance Current monthly maximum demand for real-time controller optimization of retail rates [0 to 1]
max_int_instance Maximum interval for real-time controller optimization
read_MPC_file_instance Toggle to enable or disable the model from read controller values from csv file controller_input_values.csv.
EneDens_inst Energy density of fuel (e.g., H2 = 120 MJ/kg)
EER_inst Energy economy ratio relative to alternative fuel (pull from CARB documentation)
Grid_CarbInt_inst Carbon intensity of electricity from the grid [gCO2e/MJ] (pull from CARB documentation)
CI_base_line_inst Base line carbon intensity for the displaced fuel and current year [gCO2e/MJ] (pull from CARB documentation)
LCFS_price_inst Low Carbon Fuel Standard credit prices [$ per credit]


The RODeO model explores optimal system design and operation considering different levels of grid integration, equipment cost, operating limitations, financing, and credits and incentives. RODeO is a price-taker model formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model using the GAMS modeling platform.







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  • Batchfile 90.9%
  • MATLAB 4.1%
  • Python 3.4%
  • GAMS 1.6%