Converts youtube subscription data from "your data" into opml for import into rss feed program or website.
This script needs python.
How to use:
python (input json file) (output opml file)
How to get JSON file with only all youtube subscriptions:
1: be at youtube homepage, logged in.
2: click your account icon at top right.
3: click "Your data in YouTube"
4: click "More" below "Your YouTube Dashboard"
5: click "Download YouTube Data"
6: in "Select data to include", click "All YouTube data included"
7: click "deselect all" then select "subscriptions", then click "OK"
8: click "Next Step"
9: Make sure "Export once" is selected, your preferred archive file format, then click "Create export"
10: wait for it to show download link, or wait for email with download link.
11: download and extract subscriptions.json file.