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Georg Richter edited this page Sep 17, 2018 · 3 revisions


To do non-blocking operation, an application first calls mysql_real_query_start() instead of mysql_real_query(), passing the same parameters.

If mysql_real_query_start() returns zero, then the operation completed without blocking, and 'status' is set to the value that would normally be returned from mysql_real_query().

Else, the return value from mysql_real_query_start() is a bitmask of events that the library is waiting on. This can be MYSQL_WAIT_READ, MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE, or MYSQL_WAIT_EXCEPT, corresponding to the similar flags for select() or poll(); and it can include MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT when waiting for a timeout to occur (e.g. a connection timeout).

In this case, the application continues other processing and eventually checks for the appropriate condition(s) to occur on the socket (or for timeout). When this occurs, the application can resume the operation by calling mysql_real_query_cont(), passing in 'wait_status' a bitmask of the events which actually occurred.

Just like mysql_real_query_start(), mysql_real_query_cont() returns zero when done, or a bitmask of events it needs to wait on. Thus the application continues to repeatedly call mysql_real_query_cont(), intermixed with other processing of its choice; until zero is returned, after which the result of the operation is stored in 'status'.

Some calls, like mysql_optionsv(), do not do any socket I/O, and so can never block. For these, there are no separate _start() or _cont() calls. See the "Non-blocking API reference" page for a full list of what functions can and can not block.

The checking for events on the socket / timeout can be done with select() or poll() or a similar mechanism. Though often it will be done using a higher-level framework (such as libevent), which supplies facilities for registering and acting on such conditions.

The descriptor of the socket on which to check for events can be obtained by calling mysql_get_socket(). The duration of any timeout can be obtained from mysql_get_timeout_value().

Here is a trivial (but full) example of running a query with the non-blocking API. The example is found in the MariaDB server source tree as client/async_example.c. (A larger, more realistic example using libevent is found as tests/async_queries.c in the source):

static void run_query(const char *host, const char *user, const char *password) {
  int err, status;
  MYSQL mysql, *ret;
  MYSQL_RES *res;
  MYSQL_ROW row;

  mysql_options(&mysql, MYSQL_OPT_NONBLOCK, 0);

  status = mysql_real_connect_start(&ret, &mysql, host, user, password, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
  while (status) {
    status = wait_for_mysql(&mysql, status);
    status = mysql_real_connect_cont(&ret, &mysql, status);

  if (!ret)
    fatal(&mysql, "Failed to mysql_real_connect()");

  status = mysql_real_query_start(&err, &mysql, SL("SHOW STATUS"));
  while (status) {
    status = wait_for_mysql(&mysql, status);
    status = mysql_real_query_cont(&err, &mysql, status);
  if (err)
    fatal(&mysql, "mysql_real_query() returns error");

  /* This method cannot block. */
  res= mysql_use_result(&mysql);
  if (!res)
    fatal(&mysql, "mysql_use_result() returns error");

  for (;;) {
    status= mysql_fetch_row_start(&row, res);
    while (status) {
      status= wait_for_mysql(&mysql, status);
      status= mysql_fetch_row_cont(&row, res, status);
    if (!row)
    printf("%s: %s\n", row[0], row[1]);
  if (mysql_errno(&mysql))
    fatal(&mysql, "Got error while retrieving rows");

/* Helper function to do the waiting for events on the socket. */
static int wait_for_mysql(MYSQL *mysql, int status) {
  struct pollfd pfd;
  int timeout, res;

  pfd.fd = mysql_get_socket(mysql); =
    (status & MYSQL_WAIT_READ ? POLLIN : 0) |
    (status & MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE ? POLLOUT : 0) |
    (status & MYSQL_WAIT_EXCEPT ? POLLPRI : 0);
  if (status & MYSQL_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
    timeout = 1000*mysql_get_timeout_value(mysql);
    timeout = -1;
  res = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout);
  if (res == 0)
  else if (res < 0)
  else {
    int status = 0;
    if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) status |= MYSQL_WAIT_READ;
    if (pfd.revents & POLLOUT) status |= MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE;
    if (pfd.revents & POLLPRI) status |= MYSQL_WAIT_EXCEPT;
    return status;
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