Lab stands for lightweight ai behaviour. It is a small Unity 3D plugin that provides tools for creating and using behavioral trees to your projects. What is unique for lab, is that it separates logic from implementation.
That means, lab is not out-of-the-box-ready-to-use framework. If you need a tool for rapid prototype there are other tools that give you predefined tasks or integrate with other popular Unity’s plugins. Lab tries to act like one of Unity’s internal modules, when you see lab’s editor, you will see it is inspired by Unity’s new animation system.
- Visual node editor, inspired by Unity’s Animator window
- Component based architecture with simple API
- Design generic logic, implement tasks per project
- Debug created trees without running whole project
- No dependencies, own namespace, no problem with integration
- Open source and free of charge for personal and commercial use
Just copy Gizmos and lab directories to your project. In future, there will be a Unity package to import.
Still working on it :(
- Examples in package
- Documentation and wiki
- Covering API with unit tests
- Support for common editor features like undo, shortcuts, etc.
- Better tasks binding architecture