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This is a PHP client for

Installation and requirements

composer require marein/php-nchan-client

If you want to use the PSR-18 adapter, install a library that implements PSR-18 http client (see here) and a library that implements PSR-17 http factories (see here).

If you want to use the built-in http client (default if you don't set anything), enable the php configuration allow_url_fopen.


The following code examples use the built-in http client.

Publish a message

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\Api\Model\PlainTextMessage;
    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    $nchan = new Nchan('http://my-nchan-domain');
    $channel = $nchan->channel('/path-to-publisher-endpoint');
    $channelInformation = $channel->publish(
        new PlainTextMessage(
            'my message content'

    // Nchan returns some channel information after publishing a message.

Get channel information

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    $nchan = new Nchan('http://my-nchan-domain');
    $channel = $nchan->channel('/path-to-publisher-endpoint');
    $channelInformation = $channel->information();


Delete a channel

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    $nchan = new Nchan('http://my-nchan-domain');
    $channel = $nchan->channel('/path-to-publisher-endpoint');

Nchan status information

Endpoints with the nchan_stub_status directive can be queried as follows.

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    $nchan = new Nchan('http://my-nchan-domain');
    $status = $nchan->status('/path-to-status-location');
    $statusInformation = $status->information();


Authorize requests

Endpoints with the nchan_authorize_request directive must be authorized. The constructor of the built-in http client takes an implementation of type Credentials. This library comes with 2 built-in implementations, BasicAuthenticationCredentials and BearerAuthenticationCredentials.

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\HttpAdapter\BasicAuthenticationCredentials;
    use Marein\Nchan\HttpAdapter\BearerAuthenticationCredentials;
    use Marein\Nchan\HttpAdapter\HttpStreamWrapperClient;
    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    // Client with basic authentication
    $adapter = new HttpStreamWrapperClient(
        new BasicAuthenticationCredentials('nchan', 'password')

    // Client with bearer authentication
    $adapter = new HttpStreamWrapperClient(
        new BearerAuthenticationCredentials('my-token')

    $nchan = new Nchan('http://my-nchan-domain', $adapter);

If you use another http client through the PSR-18 adapter, the respective http client has its own extension points to modify the request before it is sent.

PSR-18 compatibility

This library comes with a PSR-18 compatible adapter. There are good reasons not to use the built-in client. It's based on the http stream wrapper and file_get_contents. This closes the TCP connection after each request. Other clients, see below, can keep the connection open.

The following example uses guzzlehttp/guzzle and guzzlehttp/psr7.

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namespace {

    use GuzzleHttp\Client;
    use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
    use Marein\Nchan\HttpAdapter\Psr18ClientAdapter;
    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    $nchan = new Nchan(
        new Psr18ClientAdapter(
            new Client(),
            new HttpFactory(),
            new HttpFactory()

The following code example uses symfony/http-client and nyholm/psr7.

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namespace {

    use Marein\Nchan\HttpAdapter\Psr18ClientAdapter;
    use Marein\Nchan\Nchan;
    use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

    include '/path/to/autoload.php';

    // Symfony itself needs an adapter to be PSR-18 compliant.
    $httpClient = new Psr18Client(
        new Psr17Factory(),
        new Psr17Factory()

    $nchan = new Nchan(
        new Psr18ClientAdapter(