A CLI tool for the creation and maintenance of Digital Gardens.
Given that you have Rust installed locally. Navigate into the cloned folder and issue the following commands for running application and tests.
Run the application
cargo run
Run the application with argument to write new post
cargo run -- write
Run the application and use Visual Studio Code as your default editor
EDITOR="code -w" cargo run -- write
Set garden path and run with VS Code
GARDEN_PATH=~/.garden && EDITOR="code -w" cargo run -- write
Test suite require execute permission on tests/fake-editor.sh
chmod +x ./tests/fake-editor.sh
cargo test
GARDEN_PATH=~/github/my-digital-garden garden write
garden -p ~/github/my-digital-garden write
garden --garden_path ~/github/my-digital-garden write
Open a new file to write in our digital garden. Since we don't necessarily know what we want to title what we're writing, we'll leave the title as option and ask the user for it later if they don't provide it up-front.
garden write
garden write -t "Some Title"
Use cargo-release to create release pipeline. See article release engineering is exhausting so here's cargo-dist
# cut a release
cargo release 0.1.0
Chris Biscardi for creating the Creating a Digital Garden CLI with Rust course.