The project is a web application developed in Spring Boot, which uses MongoDB as a NoSQL database for data storage. It follows a layered architecture to maintain a clear separation of responsibilities and facilitate code scalability and maintenance. In this project we also use Queries Methods and Query annotation for personalized searches.
Spring Boot: A Java framework that simplifies Java application development.
MongoDB: A highly scalable, high-performance, document-oriented NoSQL database.
Spring Data MongoDB: Provides support for Spring integration with MongoDB.
Maven: Dependency managers for the project.
JUnit and Mockito: For unit and integration testing.
Separation of Responsibilities: Each layer has a clear responsibility, making the code easier to understand and maintain.
Code Reuse: Domain classes, DTOs and repositories can be reused in different parts of the application.
Flexibility and Scalability: The layered architecture allows you to scale specific parts of the application as needed, without affecting other parts.
Testability: Separation of responsibilities makes it easier to write unit and integration tests for each component of the application.
With this structure, the project is well organized and prepared to deal with the complexity and requirements of a modern application based on Spring Boot and MongoDB.
- Java 17
- Maven
- Spring
- MongoDB
- Postman
Marcello Joaquim da Silva