Originally designed and tested for some of my Raspberry Pi Projects I have made this library public so that everyone may take advantage of it.
Currently Included functions:
- pack_install
- repo_add
pack_install is a script designed to first check and then install a package or a list of packages! Often times people just apt-get and a package could already be installed wasting time, processing, and sometimes just spamming the terminal.
This is even more important since pack_install's principle feature is to be able to install a list of packages, and does so using the newer Debian /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/preferences.d systems.
packlist="package1 package2 package3"
repo_add uses the newer Debian /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/preferences.d systems the /etc/apt/preferences.d file is set to a priority of -1 by default. This means if you apt-get, it will not source from that repo (this is useful as a security meaure.)
For instance in some cases you will add a repo for beta's or pre-releases of certain packages, the apt-get system defaults to downloading the newest version of a package; However, you would definitely not want to be installing beta's of everything by default. As such, a default priority of -1 is safest.
In order to download a package from a added repo you simply use 'apt-get install -t
after sourcing the file, or adding it to your script it should be initialized as such:
declare -A repo=(["file"]="name of file" ["name"]="name of repo" ["web"]="url to repo" )
*note that "file" is simply what the created files storing the repo will be called in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/preferences.d