Releases: maps-as-data/MapReader
v1.3.10 - maps-as-data/MapReader
JOSS paper release
This release marks the state of the repo at the time of the JOSS paper.
Data/Culture Spring Workshop
This release was used for the workshop in April/May 2024.
End of LwM
This release marks the end of the current funding for MapReader during the Living with Machines (LwM) project.
@kasra-hosseini @andrewphilipsmith @rwood-97 @kmcdono2 @dcsw2 @kallewesterling @kasparvonbeelen
Launch release
Release for MapReader workshop in June 2023. @rwood-97 @andrewphilipsmith @kasparvonbeelen @kallewesterling @dcsw2 @kmcdono2
Version used for Kasra Hosseini, Daniel C. S. Wilson, Kaspar Beelen, and Katherine McDonough. 2022. MapReader: a computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps at scale. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities (GeoHumanities '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 8–19.
MapReader v0.1.2
Add files to quickstart notebook
MapReader v0.1.1
MapReader v0.1.1