#Integration of Gis Cloud and Last.fm
Application is made to show, for some artist, all his concerts on map and save every map to Gis Cloud platform.
First of all, user need to write artist name (e.g. Jennifer Lopez). After that it's necessary to write map name, layer name and table name (for data saving in Gis Cloud database).
User also must be logged in Gis Cloud.
All data is taken from Last.fm api, and maps are saved using Gis Cloud api.
Details about application:
- basemap layer is OSM map
- feature layer is displayed as point
- projection is EPSG:4326
- saved data: for written artist every concert (geolocation, name of concert, hyperlink to Last.fm page, city and country)
- tools for map: pan, zoom, full, measure and select
Application is free for using and changing, you need only two things to change in application (in index.js), two api keys. First api key is one generated by Last.fm, you can find all of Last.fm api on page Last.fm api. Second is api key generated by Gis Cloud. On Gis Cloud you need to go to their first page Gis Cloud, "Sign In" and go to "My Account". Then go to "API Access" and add new application (on "Applications") - you will get (Gis Cloud will generate for you) your application api key.