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Android 4.x to 5.x migration guide

Chloe Krawczyk edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 1 revision

Upgrade from 4.x

We've been hard at work making our maps SDK work even better than previous versions. Both performance improvements and new features have been added to the SDK. This meant we had to change up some of the APIs you were using. This document walks through the steps to take when making the upgrade.


If your project's manifest file contains the telemetry service. You can remove it. It is now merged automatically using Manifest Merging.

Adding new lifecycles

Part of supporting Android Nougat means we have to also support the new Multi-Window feature. This required us to move some of the logic to the onStart() and onStop() methods. When switching over to 5.0, Android Studio won't complain about these missing but when compiling your application will immediately crash if you don't add them to the activity:

protected void onStart() {

protected void onStop() {

Note: These new map view lifecycles are in addition to all the ones required in 4.x

Mapbox attribution name changes

We've made significant improvements to our attribution naming. All attributes now start with mapbox_ for easier identifying and removing any potential conflicts with other libraries. In addition, many of the attributes are now named after their Java counterpart. Instead of listing all the changes that have occurred, you might find the attrs.xml file which has all the names. Some of the common attributes you might use in your XML map view are given in the table below:

4.x attribute names 5.0 attribute names
center_latitude mapbox_cameraTargetLat
center_longitude mapbox_cameraTargetLng
zoom mapbox_cameraZoom
direction mapbox_cameraBearing
tilt mapbox_cameraTilt
style_url mapbox_styleUrl
zoom_max mapbox_cameraZoomMax
zoom_min mapbox_cameraZoomMin
rotate_enabled mapbox_uiRotateGestures

Note that the access_token attribution doesn't exist anymore, more on this in the next sections.

Style string name changes

You can still access the default map style urls by using mapbox:mapbox_styleUrl="@string/ but the string id's have changed to include mapbox_ in front of them. For example, @string/style_light now becomes @string/mapbox_style_light.

Mapbox access token

There is now only one method where you should be setting your access token. If you were previously setting the access token in XML, this is no longer an option. in 4.x you'd set your access token through the MapboxAccountManager object which could either belong in the application class (preferred) or in your activities class before setContentView is called. To set the access token now, see the example below:

Mapbox.getInstance(this, "<Access token here>");

If you want to get the access token to pass into another API (common when using mapbox-java) you can get it with:


User location changes

In 5.0 we have made significant changes to the way developers get user location information. We have introduced the LocationSource object and the LocationEngine. Inside your onCreate() method you can include this:

LocationEngine locationEngine = LocationSource.getLocationEngine(this);

Using the locationEngine object you can now add listeners to handle location changes, request and remove location request and much more. For more information, checkout our new documentation.

Custom marker icon

Starting in 5.0 we only allow creation of marker icons from a bitmap file. This means if you were creating the icon from a drawable before, you'll now need to convert it to a bitmap before creating the icon object. Which means fromDrawable() method of IconFactory is not available anymore.

Old code:

IconFactory iconFactory = IconFactory.getInstance(FooActivity.this);
Drawable iconDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(FooActivity.this, R.drawable.foo_icon);
Icon icon = iconFactory.fromDrawable(iconDrawable);

New code:

IconFactory iconFactory = IconFactory.getInstance(FooActivity.this);
Icon icon = iconFactory.fromResource(R.drawable.foo_icon);

Runtime zoom function

With 5.0, we introduced data-driven-styling which includes changes to the zoom function you might have previously been using. In 4.x it looked like this:

            stop(1, fillColor(Color.GREEN)),
            stop(4, fillColor(Color.BLUE)),
            stop(12, fillColor(Color.RED)),
            stop(20, fillColor(Color.YELLOW))

and now, you have the options of having an exponential or interval behavior, here we are using exponential:

//Set a zoom function to update the color of the water
                  stop(1f, fillColor(Color.GREEN)),
                  stop(8.5f, fillColor(Color.BLUE)),
                  stop(10f, fillColor(Color.RED)),
                  stop(18f, fillColor(Color.YELLOW))

Runtime NoSuchLayerException removed

In 5.0 we have removed the NoSuchLayerException commonly used to check if the layer exist in the map or not. The new, more appropriate way of handling this will be first acquiring the layer and then checking if it is null before interacting with it.

Other methods you might be using

4.x method names 5.0 method names
MapboxMap.getMaxZoom() MapboxMap.getMaxZoomLevel()
mapView.getStyleUrl() mapboxMap.getStyleUrl()
map.getMarkerViewManager().scheduleViewMarkerInvalidation() map.getMarkerViewManager().update()

This is not actually a migration issue but something you should be aware of when working with SDK and MAS in the same project. You might run into a dependencies conflict when mixing different versions of them because some depend on each other (nested dependencies). In order to avoid it you should tell Gradle what to do within the build.gradle file. For example:

compile('com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-sdk:5.0.0@aar') {
        transitive = true
        exclude group: 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk', module: 'mapbox-java-geojson'
        exclude group: 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk', module: 'mapbox-android-telemetry'

compile 'com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-ui:2.0.0'
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