####Some Useful Command for Beginners
Create rails application
$ rails new app
Use Scaffold to generate MVC code
$ rails g scaffold model_name attrbute:type [attr:type]
Use rake db:migrate to generate migration
$ rake db:migrate
Run rails server
$ rails s
Add new feature for model
$ rails g migration AddAttrbuteToModel attr:type
Use gemfile to add new gems
$ vi Gemfile
gem 'rspec', '~> 2.14.1'
Use rspec to write unit tests
Read more of [rspec] (https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails).
####Some Tools
For Management
rvm: Ruby Version Manager
gem: RubyGem - packaged Ruby application or library
rake: Ruby Make
bundler: Manage application dependencies and maintain the application environment -
Develop Environment
debug: pry, ruby-debug
test: rspec, cucumber, capybara, jesmine, factory_girl
authorization: cancan