- NodeJs
- ExpressJs
- MongodB
- Mongoose
- PugJs
- Axios
- PostManAPI
- Mailtrap
- Nodemailer
- Multer npm package
# User Schema
This repository includes a MongoDB schema for user data in Node.js applications. The schema comprises the following fields:
- **email:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Unique: true
- Lowercase: true
- Validation: Email format
- Custom Error Messages: "User cannot register without an email address" and "User already exists with this email"
- **password:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Custom Error Message: "Password is required for signup/login"
- **confirmPassword:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Validation: Must match the password field
- Custom Error Message: "Confirm Password must be the same as Password"
- **photo:**
- Type: String
- Description: URL or file path for the user's profile photo (optional)
- **resetPasswordToken:**
- Type: String
- Description: Token for password reset functionality (optional)
Feel free to integrate this user schema into your Node.js project for managing user data. Adjust it according to your specific requirements.
// User Routes
// Get all users
// Forgot password route
router.post('/forgotPassword', userController.forgotPassword);
// Login route
router.post('/login', userController.login);
// Signup route
router.post('/signup', userController.signup);
// Reset password route
router.patch('/resetPassword/:token', userController.resetPassword);
// User registration route
router.post('/registration', userController.registration);
// Update user profile route with photo upload
router.patch('/updateMe', userController.uploadUserPhoto, userController.updateMe);
# User Registration Schema
This repository contains a MongoDB schema for user registration, designed for use in Node.js applications. The schema includes the following fields:
- **email:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Unique: true
- Lowercase: true
- Validation: Email format
- Custom Error Messages: "User cannot register without an email address" and "User already exists with this email"
- **password:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Custom Error Message: "Password is required for signup/login"
- **confirmPassword:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Validation: Must match the password field
- Custom Error Message: "Confirm Password must be the same as Password"
- **name:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Custom Error Message: "User cannot be without a NAME!!!"
- **job:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Custom Error Message: "User must mention their working profession!"
- **language:**
- Type: String
- Required: true
- Custom Error Message: "Mention at least one skill!"
Feel free to use this schema in your Node.js project for user registration and customize it as needed.
// View Routes
// Overview page
router.get('/', viewController.getOverView);
// Login form page
router.get('/login', viewController.getLoginForm);
// Signup page
router.get('/signup', viewController.createAccount);
// Forgot password page
router.get('/forgotPassword', viewController.forgotPassword);
// Update password page
router.get('/updateMyPassword', viewController.updateMyPassword);
// Registration page
router.get('/registration', viewController.registration);
// Reset password page with token parameter
router.get('/reset-password/:resetToken', viewController.resetPasswod);
// Update user profile page
router.get('/updateMe', viewController.updateMe);
# Mailtrap & Nodemailer
Create your account on Mailtrap - https://mailtrap.io/
- Use these settings to send messages directly from your email client or mail transfer agent.
// Replace the credentials with your
EMAIL_HOST = sandbox.smtp.mailtrap.io
Use nodemailer npm package - https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodemailer (Documentation)
Transporter to setup Nodemailer
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host : process.env.EMAIL_HOST,
port : process.env.EMAIL_PORT,
user: process.env.EMAIL_USERNAME,
pass : process.env.EMAIL_PASSWORD
- Delete config_example.env with congig.env
- Replace the credential in config.env file with your own credentials
Here's a breakdown of the packages and technologies you used, based on your dependencies:
- axios (^1.5.1): Promise-based HTTP client for making requests.
- bcryptjs (^2.4.3): Library for hashing passwords.
- body-parser (^1.20.2): Node.js body parsing middleware, used to parse incoming request bodies.
- cookie-parser (^1.4.6): Middleware for parsing cookies in Express.
- crypto (^1.0.1): Node.js core module for cryptographic functionality.
- cryptojs (^2.5.3): Library for cryptographic functions in JavaScript.
- dotenv (^16.3.1): Module for loading environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
- express (^4.18.2): Web application framework for Node.js.
- jade (^1.11.0): Template engine for Node.js (now known as Pug).
- jsonwebtoken (^9.0.2): Implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for Node.js.
- mongoose (^7.5.3): MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
- multer (^1.4.5-lts.1): Middleware for handling multipart/form-data, used for file uploads.
- nodemailer (^6.9.5): Module for sending emails with Node.js.
- nodemon (^3.0.1): Utility that monitors for changes in your source code and automatically restarts your server.
- path (^0.12.7): Node.js core module for working with file paths.
- pug (^3.0.2): View engine for Node.js (formerly known as Jade).
- sass (^1.68.0): Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, a popular CSS preprocessor.
- validator (^13.11.0): Library for string validation and sanitation.