This release provides to complete TICK-Stack (Telegraf, Influx, Chronograf and Kapacitor) as one single BOSH-release.
To get more detailed information about the single products please check the official InfluxDB documentation.
The project is currently under work so please feel free to add issues if you find some strange behaviour or if you miss some configurations.
There are some sample manifests as well as ops files included in the manifests
Choose if you want a single VM (singleVM.yml
) or a multi VM (multiVM.yml
) setup and just execute bosh -d influxdb deploy singleVM.yml
or bosh -d influxdb deploy multiVM.yml
You can easily add telegraf
to all your VMs to receive for example VM stats. This can be done via the addon feature of BOSH. Just take the provided runtime-config + vars.yml
and upload it to your BOSH Director.
Please make sure to add the influxdb IP
to the vars.yml
and to update your runtime-config
bosh update-runtime-config runtime-config.yml -l vars.yml
Afterwards during the next deploy of a deployment telegraf will be added to your VMs.
If you use the syslog-runtime-config + vars.yml
you'll get the syslog-forwarder
job of the syslog-release
added to the telegraf job as well as the needed configurations.
Please make sure to add the influxdb IP
to the vars.yml
and to update your runtime-config
bosh update-runtime-config runtime-config.yml -l vars.yml
With that your telegraf job will provide the VM logs directly to influxDB.