This is a Flutter app developed to practice my layout skills. It is a layout made by the Designer Masudur Rahman, I find her design here
I felt I wasn't improving my layouts skills so I decided to do regular challenges only about layouts, It was the first of them.
- It is only about layouts
- Items are show in a horizontal scroll.
- The app change the backgroundImage when the user scrolls to a new item.
- It pass data using routes, in this case the route gets the imageLocation to set it in the itemPage accordingly with the item chosen by the user.
- Flutter - Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Visual Studio Code - Is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.
- MobX- MobX for the Dart language.
- mobx_codegen- MobX Code Generation library
- flutter_mobx - Flutter integration with MobX.dart.
- flutter_modular - A smart project structure.
- slidy CLI - CLI package manager and template generator for Flutter. Generate Modules, Pages, Widgets, BLoCs, Controllers and tests.
- build_runner - A package that provides a concrete way of generating files using Dart code
If you have any doubts about this layout, you can enter in contact with me.
- Email-me: [email protected]
- Connect with me at LinkedIn.
- To see more open-source Flutter projects, check my GitHub