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Continuous Integration: Circle CI Code Climate Coverage Status License: MIT

Please pay attention to the LICENSE as well; the software is licensed under the MIT license.

mammooc is a student's project developed at the German Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam.

How To Contribute

We are happy about everyone who contributes to mammooc! Here is a little guide to simplify contributing:

  1. Fork the Repository
  2. Implement a new feature or fix a bug (have a look at our Issues)
  3. Add tests for your code
  • we use rspec for model and controller tests
  • for our feature tests we use capybara (with selenium)
  • You can find all tests in the spec directory
  • To run all tests: bundle exec rspec
  1. Create Pull request
  • if your request gets two times a +1, we will merge your request

If you want to do a perfect job:

  • have a look at our [Code Style Guideline](Code Style Guidelines)
  • we use rubocop to automatically correct the code: rake rubocop:run

How you run the application on localhost:

  1. please have a look at our environment variables below
  • some of them are marked as necessary, these have to be set for running the application
  1. we use passenger as application server
  • to start the application: passenger start
  • the application is available at: localhost:3000
  • stop the application: passenger stop

If you want to test out stuff feel free to use our dev deployment (so you don't polute the production data):

For any questions:

  1. open a new issue
  2. add the label 'question'
  3. Write down your question
  4. we will answer as soon as possible :)

How to report a bug

  1. open a new issue
  2. add label 'bug'
  3. describe the problem in a way that we can reconstruct what you have done
  4. add information about the browser you are using

Environment variables

It might be useful to set the following one in Development mode:

Usage Environment variable Value Necessary Description
Amazon S3 WITH_S3 false Enable usage of Amazon S3 Server
Start Redis & Sidekiq AUTO_START_SIDEKIQ true Enable starting of Redis and Sidekiq server within passenger
Use PhantomJS PHANTOM_JS true Enable usage of PhantomJS instead of Selenium for running Capybara tests; for further information: Wiki/PhantomJS
Use SSL FORCE_SSL true Enable SSL, needed for single-sign-on; you will need a SSL-certificate, for further information: Wiki/Enable SSL
Seed-Token for openHPI OPEN_HPI_TOKEN individual only necessary for rake db:seed; with a valid token, it will synchronize user data for [email protected]
Seed-Token for openSAP OPEN_SAP_TOKEN individual only necessary for rake db:seed; with a valid token, it will synchronize user data for [email protected]
SMTP with Mandrill MANDRILL_USERNAME individual necessary for email dispatch; works with Mandrill, you have to create your own account for sending mails
MANDRILL_APIKEY individual necessary for email dispatch; works with Mandrill, you have to create your own account for sending mails

These environment variables are for use in Production mode:

Usage Environment variable Description
Domain Name DOMAIN always set to root URL of current production environment; necessary to differentiate between different production URLs
Amazon S3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID All Amazon S3 variables are necessary to get and push pictures to the Amazon S3 instance; if you want to create your own instance: Wiki/AmazonS3
Coursera User Data COURSERA_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to pull user data from Coursera; if you want to pull user data on your own, you have to create a developer account on Coursera
Facebook Login FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with Facebook; if you want to use single-sign-on with Facebook on your own, you have to create a developer account on Facebook
Google Login GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with Google; if you want to use single-sign-on with Google on your own, you have to create a developer account on Google
GitHub Login GITHUB_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with GitHub; if you want to use single-sign-on with GitHub on your own, you have to create a developer account on GitHub
LinkedIn Login LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with LinkedIn; if you want to use single-sign-on with LinkedIn on your own, you have to create a developer account on LinkedIn
Twitter Login TWITTER_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with Twitter; if you want to use single-sign-on with twitter on your own, you have to create a developer account on Twitter
Windows Live Login WINDOWS_LIVE_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with Windows Live; if you want to use single-sign-on with Windows Live on your own, you have to create a developer account on Windows Live
Amazon Login AMAZON_CLIENT_ID both variables are necessary to use single-sign-on with Amazon; if you want to use single-sign-on with Amazon on your own, you have to create a developer account on Amazon
New Relic NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY is necessary for gem Newrelic which provides bug reports and performance analysis
SMTP email dispatch SMTP_HOST all varibles are necessary to deliver system generated emails
SMTP_PORT default value: '587'
SMTP_AUTHENTICATION default value: :plain; possible values: 'plain', 'login', 'cram_md5'