The worksheets and resources in this repository were created by Mallory E. Gaspard for use in Skype a Scientist outreach sessions. The worksheets are made freely availible here for educators, parents, students, etc to use in their classrooms or in their own self-study.
My worksheets are physics and mathematics based, and they cover a wide range of topics. The topics covered in these worksheets are chosen after disucssion with my teacher-host in planning their session. I try to relate each of my sessions back to what the students are learning in the classroom. Most of my sessions have been inspired by / based upon topics related to scientific research that I have done, while other sessions have covered general interest topics requested by the students themselves. Here is a general overview of topics that have been covered in my sessions.
- Mathematical Modeling
- Springs and Potential Energy
- Logarithms, Exponents, and the Googolplex
- Sociological Modeling / Statistical Physics
- Vibrations and Phonons
The repository is organized as follows:
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School and Beyond
- General Audience
Note: The mathematics and physics worksheets are not separated as there is quite a bit of overlap between the two.
I am more than happy to provide the solutions / teacher-edition of a particular worksheet upon email request. I also appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, etc and feel free to email those to me as well!