So, you want to try some features in Vert.x? Well, just go to folder demo1 and execute:
vertx run sender.groovy
After that, you have your first verticle up and running. Even though, is isolated and nothing could communicate with it.
Stop the execution, and after that in one terminal executes:
vertx run sender.groovy -cluster
In a second terminal execute:
vertx run receiver.groovy -cluster
After that, you must see both terminals doing 'ping pong' between them.
You can do the same with the Java files, in fact, without stop the previous commands execute the Java files in the same way.
If you have some problems, then add the file cluster.xm to your CLASSPATH, previously verifiying your local ip is in it.
## Second demo
To this demo, you needs MongoDB up and running, also, bower to download the resources(css and js).
Resuming the posible steps:
bower update
mongod --dbpath ./data/db
After that just execute:
vertx run webserver.rb
Be happy, uninstall IE, open a browser and navigate to "http://localhost:8000/static", enjoy!!!
There's other file: manageVerticle.js, but this file needs a little more explanation because helps to manage all the verticles.