We believes that everyone can create health technology. To support the global network of health makers we built MakerHealth Create as a platform to share the DIY health technology projects with the community. We expect that all makers uploading projects will follow these guidelines to help foster a collaborative community of health makers.
Projects uploaded to MakerHealth Create must have a reasonable health application.
Only post projects you have created or have permission from the creator to post.
Include enough details in your posting to enable others to recreate the project.
Include links for digital files, code, and supporting documents for the project background (i.e.: github, hackster.io, thingiverse, pubmed). Projects that only include links to external sites with documentation will be set to private until further fabrication and experimentation details are included.
Projects are not validated by the MakerHealth team. Only post projeccts that you believe impact health.
The MakerHealth team reviews the projects for fit to the community, but not clinical efficacy.