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Setup guide

To start your Phoenix app:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Add the necessary variables to your environment
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix server


We're using edeliver. We're using cold deploys, not upgrades. The deployment process is done using the following commands:

  • mix edeliver build release
  • mix edeliver deploy release production
  • mix edeliver restart production
  • mix edeliver migrate production

Note that trying to stop the api from edeliver won't be too successfull as systemd will notice its absence and restart it immediatly.

We try to preserve our deps' built files. If you need to clean those for some reason, run GIT_CLEAN_PATHS=. mix edeliver build release.

Environment Variables

Use your preferred method to add the following variables to your environment. You can find an example env file you can source in share/env/env

Variable Description Environments
DB_URL Postgresql database url All
SECRET_KEY_BASE Secret key base All
MAILGUN_API_KEY Mailgun API credentials Prod
MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN Mailgun API credentials Prod
HOST Server url All
PORT Port configuration Prod
SENTRY_DSN project url Prod
SLACK_TOKEN Slack API access token Prod
GITHUB_TOKEN Github API access token All
AI_CALLBACK_URL AI Competition callback url All
AI_SERVER_HOST AI Competition server host All
AI_SERVER_TOKEN AI Competition access token All