This builds an image which contains TeXtidote; Spelling, grammer and style checking on LaTeX documents.
The image is based on adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:alpine-slim
You can pull from Docker Hub:
$ docker pull mahito1594/textidote
You can also build the image locally:
$ git clone
$ cd docker-texidote
$ docker build -t mahito1594/textidote .
Basic usage is
$ docker run -rm -v $PWD:/work mahito1594/textidote [options for TeXtidote] your-document.tex
where mahito1594/textidote
is name of the built image.
For instance, in order to view HTML report in a web browser, you should:
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/work mahito1594/textidote --check en --output html your-document.tex > report.html
$ open report.html # If you use Linux, use other command such as `xdg-open` instead.
For more detail, please refer to the README of TeXtidote.
- Docker
- adoptopenjdk/openjdk8
- TeXtidote: Written by Sylvain Hallé, released under GNU General Public License 3.
Apache 2.0 Licensed, see LICENSE for full detail.