This is a pre-enrollment bootcamp project for Microverse program.
Check the below contents for further details about this project.
It mimics only the static structure of a single page in YouTube
. The page contains three sections (video/comments/previews).
The projects uses FontAwesome
legacy version for icons. CSS styling was used to mimic the YouTube video page as close as possible.
📌 Tech Stack:
- Page strucutre is built with
- Styling and effects built with
📌 Key Features:
- Responsive web page with all screen sizes
- Hover effects on buttons and thumbnails
- Embeds a live YouTube video to demonstration
- Loads blank images for users and thumbnails
📌 Live Demo:
- Check a live version of this project with this link.
You can easily download or fork this repository and work on it immediately!
📌 Prerequisites:
- No prior requirements needed!
📌 Setup:
- Simply download or fork this repository.
📌 Deployment:
- You can deploy this project by simply uploading the folder to a live server.
📌 Mahammad:
Some additional features I may implement in the project:
- Dynamically loaded comments
- Posting and replying to comments
Wish to contribute to this project?
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are more than welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page too.
Like this project? Show your support by starring!
I thank everyone at Microverse for guiding me through this project.
This project is MIT licensed.