In this repo you'll find all the data to resample and recreate the measurements done for the PAM2020 paper "Understanding video streaming algorithms in the wild"
+-- BrowserControl
| +-- # Man in the middle proxy; DEPRECATED
| +-- # Sets up Proxy and Browser
+-- Data
| +-- Libraries # Browsermobproxy, Chromedriver and AdBlocker
| +-- Traces # Tested Traces
| +-- VideoInformation #Information Extracted from the videos of the different providers
| +-- SelectedVideoDataframe.csv # .csv containing information about the selected videos
+-- FeedbackSampler
| +-- Implementations # Implementation for different providers
| +-- Interfaces # Interface needed for different implementations
| +-- # Samples the player data while streaming
+-- OfflineSimulator
| +-- # Robust MPC Implementation
| +-- # Offline simulation environment
+-- TrafficController
| +-- Interfaces # Interface for throttling policies
| +-- Implementations # Implementation of different throttling policies
| +-- # BW estimator
| +-- # Base class traffic controller
| +-- # Traffic controller for non-dynamic chunk sized providers
| +-- # Traffic controller for dynamic chunk sized providers
+-- # Main sampling and traffic control loop
+-- # Example of how to sample a given provider with files and a given policy
The scripts were tested and developed for Python 3.7.
- Download Browsermob Proxy v. 2.1.4 and place in Data/Libraries/browsermob-proxy-2.1.4
- Install Chrome
- Download Chromedriver and place in Data/Libraries/chromedriver
- (Optional) Obtain the YouTube Adblocker via the chrome store an and place it in Data/Libraries/AdBlock_YouTube.crx
- Install the python packages needed via requirements.txt
You can find an example of how to use the scripts in ""
- Maximilian Grüner - ETH Zürich
- Melissa Licciardello - ETH Zürich
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
For more information see the preprint on Arxiv . The PAM2020 Version is soon to be released