A sample (wicket) webapp for playing with memcached-session-manager (msm).
It comes with two tomcats (in runtime/
) that are configured with msm+kryo (msm kryo-serializer) storing sessions in memcached.
This sample comes with two tomcat instances (in runtime/
, tomcat1 and tomcat2) that are configured with msm+kryo (msm kryo-serializer) for non-sticky sessions by default.
To change the stickyness you can switch via ./switch-stickyness.sh sticky|nonsticky
Btw, there are 2 different tomcat versions available in runtime/
(6.0.32 and 7.0.8), you can switch them via ./switch-tomcat.sh 7.0.8
or ./switch-tomcat.sh 6.0.32
- Maven: you should have installed maven to be able to build the webapp.
- memcached: you should have installed memcached so that you can run the webapp with sessions replicated to memcached
- I don't mention java here :-)
- Build the web application:
$ mvn package
You can run the webapp using the preconfigured tomcats in runtime/
. Before you start tomcat, make sure that you have started two memcached nodes:
$ memcached -p 11211 -u memcached -m 64 -M -vv &
$ memcached -p 11212 -u memcached -m 64 -M -vv &
This is the cmd line that I'm using on my system with memcached installed using the memcached user. -vv tells memcached to write lots of stuff to stdout, so you'll see when a session is requested or stored in the output of memcached.
To start both tomcats just run $ ./runtime/tomcat1/bin/catalina.sh run & $ ./runtime/tomcat2/bin/catalina.sh run &
Now you can access both tomcats with your browser on http://localhost:8081/ and http://localhost:8082/. To simulate a loadbalancer in front of your tomcats and a session failover just request the same url on the other tomcat (just change to port in the url).