A shell script that creates an environment suitable for an OS X Jenkins Continuous Integration Server
- installs Java JDK 7
- installs Java JRE 6
- installs Java JRE 7
- installs xcode and xcode CLI tools
- installs homebrew
- installs cocoapods
- installs git
- installs "oh my zsh"
- installs eclipse
- installs node
- installs Jenkins with GithubOAuth, Xcode, and build timeout plugins
- updates rubygems to the latest possible version
- OSX Mountain Lion
- Xcode 4.6 dmg (named as xcode.dmg)
- Xcode CLI tools dmg (named as xcode_cli.dmg)
- Eclipse 4.2.1 tarball, 64-bit version
- Java JDK 7 Update 15
- An Active Internet Connection
- clone Jenkins_Bootstrap into a new repo
- Ensure Xcode, Xcode CLI, Eclipse Tarball, and Java JDK are in the same folder as Jenkins.sh
- run the script with your admin password as a parameter. Eg:
sh Jenkins.sh <password>
- Sit back, grab yourself a coffee, and wait for everything to install
Jenkins Bootstrap for OSX is released under the MIT License.