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QIIME2 plug-in for USEARCH integration
For years, USEARCH had been the GOAT program for many researchers to process amplicon sequencing data (Including us🙈). We originally wrote this plug-in for internal use, now with USEARCH's conversion to open-source software, we decided to publish this plug-in for the community to use. Here are the commands/pipelines this plug-in integrates into QIIME2:
- Denoise valid data into ZOTU table and ZOTUs using the uniose3 algorithm
- Cluster valid data into OTU table and OTUs at 97% identity threshould using the uparse algorithm
- Denoise then cluster valid data into OTU table and OTUs at an user-defined identity threshould using both the uniose3 and the uclust algorithm
- Perform paired-end read merging
*The plug-in is still in early development, thus is subject to interface changes
Step 1: Clone this repository to your compute node
git clone https://github.com/magicprotoss/q2-usearch .
Step 2: Activate the QIIME2 conda enviroment you wish to install to
# conda activate qiime2-amplicon-2024.5
conda activate <replace-with-your-q2-conda-env-name>
In case your don't know your q2 env's name, please run the following command
conda env list | grep qiime2
The env's name should appear in your terminal
# qiime2-amplicon-2024.5 /home/navi/miniconda3/envs/qiime2-amplicon-2024.5
Step 3: Change directory to the project folder and execute the following command
cd q2-usearch && python ./setup.py install
qiime dev refresh-cache
Step 4: Install seqkit2 and usearch12 using mamba/conda
mamba install -c bioconda seqkit">=2.0.0" usearch
# conda install -c bioconda seqkit">=2.0.0" usearch
If every thing went smoothly, you should be seeing sth. like this printed on your terminal
# usearch v12.0 [b1d935b], 132Gb RAM, 24 cores
# (C) Copyright 2013-24 Robert C. Edgar.
# https://drive5.com/usearch
Step 5: Optional Clean Up
cd .. && rm -rf q2-usearch
What's under the hood?
What's under the hood?
What's under the hood?
Identify and prepare your reads files
Nowadays the common way a sequencing center sends you data is by providing you a link to a shared folder. Let's take a look at the data structure:
What you need is the files in the "Valid data" folder. And before proceeding to the next step, we recommend you to backup the all content in said folder and then rename all the valid reads files by removing excess strings other than your Sample-ID. If you're on Windows, one of the easiest way to do it is to use the power rename tool in MS PowerToys:
Import reads files into a QIIME2 Artifact
Let's start by activating the QIIME2 environment first
conda activate qiime2-amplicon-2024.5
The easiest way to import your reads files into a QIIME2 Artifact is by using a manifest file, which serves the same purpose as a mapping file in QIIME1. Since we've already renamed our reads files with Sample-IDs, we can generate the manifest file easily using the file names. There's a couple of ways to do it, there are a lot of pure bash solutions on the internet, like the one in QIIME2's library, or use the utility script, which is our preferred method. This script requires one more dependency though, let's install it first.
# conda install xlsxwriter mamba install xlsxwriter
With that out of the way, let's run the utility script
python generate_metadata.py --input_path <path-to-your-valid-data> --from_filename
The script generates two files in the current directory. The first file 'manifest.tsv' contains the Sample-IDs and absolute file-paths for all of our reads, this will be required when importing our reads.
The second file 'metadata.xlsx' is a pre-formatted QIIME2 metadata file which contains the Sample-IDs and an empty column 'default-group'.
If we want to use QIIME2 to perform downstream analysis, it's always worth spending a little more time filling the blanks Once we've uploaded the filled metadata file, we can convert it to tsv format for QIIME2 to use. See here on how to prepare QIIME2 compatible metadata.
python generate_metadata.py --to_tsv
Now everything's prepared, we can import our reads files into a QIIME2 Artifact. Note since we are using 'valid data', the input format and schematic type here are always 'SingleEndFastqManifestPhred33V2' and 'SampleData[SequenceWithQuality]', respectively, regardless of our sequencing strategy.
qiime tools import \ --input-path manifest.tsv \ --input-format 'SingleEndFastqManifestPhred33V2' \ --type 'SampleData[SequencesWithQuality]' \ --output-path fastq-seqs.qza
Denoise reads into zOTUs
Now you've got everything prepared, let's call the plug-in and finish the job.
qiime usearch denoise-no-primer-pooled \ --i-demultiplexed-sequences fastq-seqs.qza \ --p-min-size 4 \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-unoise3.qza \ --o-table table-unoise3.qza \ --o-denoising-stats stats-unoise3.qza
If you haven't received your sequencing data yet, We've prepared the data-set used in (Dong, Guo et al. 2021) study for you to try it out.
qiime usearch denoise-no-primer-pooled \ --i-demultiplexed-sequences ddbj_dl.qza \ --p-min-size 4 \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-unoise3.qza \ --o-table table-unoise3.qza \ --o-denoising-stats stats-unoise3.qza
Usage on Single-End Runs
Let's use the "Moving Pictures" tutorial as a basis, please navigate to the 'Sequence quality control and feature table construction' section. Besides Option 1: DADA2 and Option 2: Deblur, we now have a third Option.
The unoise3 command uses the UNOISE algorithm to perform denoising (error-correction) of amplicon reads. After which chimeras are removed by performing denovo chimera identification using an imporved version of uchime2 algorithm. The
plug-in have wrapped the valid-data processing pipeline described in (Yan, Lin et al. 2024) into thedenoise-no-primer-pooled
method.For single-end runs, it's mandatory to perform global trimming to all your reads. Which means to trim all your reads to a fixed length, so that reads from the same template should have the same length, or they will be splited into separate zOTUs in later stage of the pipeline. For this specific data-set, global trimming is enforced by setting the parameter
--p-trunc-len n
, which truncates each sequence at positionn
and discards all sequences shorter thann
.qiime usearch denoise-no-primer-pooled \ --i-demultiplexed-sequences demux.qza \ --p-min-size 4 \ --p-trunc-len 120 \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-unoise3.qza \ --o-table table-unoise3.qza \ --o-denoising-stats stats-unoise3.qza
qiime metadata tabulate \ --m-input-file stats-unoise3.qza \ --o-visualization stats-unoise3.qzv
If we'd like to continue the tutorial using this FeatureTable (opposed to the feature tables generated in Option 1 and Option 2), run the following commands.
mv rep-seqs-unoise3.qza rep-seqs.qza mv table-unoise3.qza table.qza
Usage on Paired-End Runs
For paired-end reads, we need to merge them into joined reads prior to denoising. For this specific reason, we'll follow the "Atacama soil microbiome" tutorial. Please navigate to the section before running DADA2.
Merging Paired End Reads
The merge-pairs method was adopted from the plug-in q2-vsearch, with a few tweaks to the default parameters. For details on how to set parameters for reads merging, please check out the usearch manual.
qiime usearch merge-pairs \ --i-demultiplexed-seqs demux.qza \ --o-merged-sequences merged.qza \ --o-unmerged-sequences unmerged.qza \ --verbose
zOTU Calling
qiime usearch denoise-no-primer-pooled \ --i-demultiplexed-sequences merged.qza \ --p-min-size 4 \ --o-representative-sequences rep-seqs-unoise3.qza \ --o-table table-unoise3.qza \ --o-denoising-stats stats-unoise3.qza
Several Methods and pipelines were planned for future releases:
- Classify FeatureData[Sequences] using sintax
- Perform OTU cluster (uclust) by using raw PacBio CCS data and DADA2 outputs as inputs.
Perform merging(PE) ➡️ primer-removal ➡️ denoise/OTU-cluster on demultiplexed raw illumina data in a single pipeline
Find exact matches of FeatureData[Sequences] against a given database using global search then classify unmatched reads using sintax (similar to q2-feature-classifier's classify-hybrid-vsearch-sklearn and dada2's assignTaxonomy() followed by addSpecies())
Let me know if you have any questions😉
Happy QIIMEing 🎉🎉🎉