Implemented enhancements:
- Add caching to marketplace endpoint #377 (ouranos)
- [IMPAC-623] create email alert on widget kpi create #375 (xaun)
- [MNOE-499] Add locales #368 (hedudelgado)
- [MNOE-501] Locales added for on-boarding improvement #333 (rheasunshine)
- [MNOE-474] Add endpoints to admin api #327 (adamaziz15)
Fixed bugs:
- Fix missing locales #381 (alexnoox)
- Fix impac locales task #379 (ouranos)
- [MNOE-554] Exclude Maestrano CDN from app description sanitisation #378 (ouranos)
- [MNOE-474] Fix locale typo #376 (ouranos)
- [DEVPL-158] Pricing Sync #372 (adamaziz15)
- [MNOE-544] Onboarding: fix locales #370 (alexnoox)
- [MNOE-533] Reload her team object and fix fetch teams #360 (hedudelgado)
Merged pull requests:
- [MNOE-474] Update locales for review frontend #334 (adamaziz15)