- (Improvement) Improved Health Check on the workers to check that master is pingable.
- (Improvement) Reduced max exareme threads on all the thread pools to make it lighter.
- (Bugfix) Many smaller stabilization fixes.
- (Improvement) Implementation of Oneway Anova algorithm for one categorical and one numerical variable
- Output of Anova includes:
- Anova summary table
- Tukey Honest Significant Differences test table
- Mean plot for every level in the categorical variable
- 95 Algorithm tests (80 local + 15 federated on 10 nodes)
- 5 Exareme integration tests
- 1 Privacy test
- Output of Anova includes:
- (Improvement) Implementation of Naive Bayes classifier for mixed numerical and categorical variables
- Output includes:
- Classification report (precision, recall, specificity, F score)
- ROC report (AUC per class, Gini coefficient per class)
- Accuracy report (accuracy, upper and lower c.i.)
- Confusion matrix chart
- ROC per class chart
- Output includes:
- (Improvement) CART visualization addition.