LinePulse is a small plugin to pulse the current cursor's line when you lose track of it.
Below is a demo of LinePulse working with the default settings.
Installing LinePulse is easy with Vundle.
Just add:
Bundle 'lerp/linepulse'
to your .vimrc
Installation with Pathogen is just as easy.
Download LinePulse and extract it's contents into ~/.vim/bundle/
It's really rather simple. Just call :DoPulse
(I would suggest mapping it to
something) and a pulse will be performed.
You can set:
to change the start colour.g:linepulse_end
to change the ending colour.g:linepulse_steps
to change how smoothly the interpolation is.g:linepulse_time
to set how long it takes to perform a pulse.
More info can be found by doing :help linepulse-options