A GS1 Barcode Library and Parser written in Swift
A Library to parse GS1 Barcode strings into a object and allows an easy access to the properties that a GS1 Barcode can have.
Supported is a large set of common Application Identifiers (GS1 Barcodes), but it can be easily extended on the fly to support any identifier needed.
Contributions are most welcome.
You can also find this project on CocoaPods
Parsing is as simple as
import SwiftGS1Barcode
// ...
let gs1Barcode = "01101234670417283002\u{1D}1721103110S123456"
let barcode = GS1Barcode(raw: gs1Barcode)
print(barcode.gtin) // 10123467041728
print(barcode.countOfItems) // 2
print(barcode.expirationDate) // 31.10.2021
print(barcode.lotNumber) // S123456
To seperate the parsing from initializing I'd recommend a code like
import SwiftGS1Barcode
// ...
let gs1BarcodeText = "01101234670417283002\u{1D}1721103110S123456"
let barcode = GS1Barcode()
barcode.raw = gs1BarcodeText
_ = barcode.parse()
To parse custom Application Identifiers use the following code
import SwiftGS1Barcode
// ...
let gs1BarcodeText = "90HelloWorld\u{1D}01101234670417283002\u{1D}1721103110S123456"
let barcode = GS1Barcode()
barcode.applicationIdentifiers["custom1"] = GS1ApplicationIdentifier("90", length: 30, type: .String, dynamicLength: true)
barcode.raw = gs1BarcodeText
_ = barcode.parse()
To see some samples, of how to set up Application Identifiers check out the GS1Barcode Class
!Attention! Currently only the following properties are available and do get parsed
Application Identifier | ID |
serialShippingContainerCode | 00 |
gtin | 01 |
gtinOfContainedTradeItems | 02 |
lotNumber (batchNumber) | 10 |
productionDate | 11 |
dueDate | 12 |
packagingDate | 13 |
bestBeforeDate | 15 |
expirationDate | 17 |
productVariant | 20 |
serialNumber | 21 |
secondaryDataFields | 22 |
countOfItems | 30 |
numberOfUnitsContained | 37 |
Experimental Support for lotNumberN, additionalProductIdentification, customerPartNumber, madeToOrderVariationNumber, secondarySerialNumber, referenceToSourceEntity, productWeightInKgNoDecimal, productWeightInKgOnceDecimal, productWeightInKgTwoDecimal
You can add custom application identifiers by adding them to the key / value dictionary:
let barcode = GS1Barcode()
barcode.applicationIdentifiers["custom1"] = GS1ApplicationIdentifier("90", length: 30, type: .String, dynamicLength: true)
They'll automatically get parsed by the parse()
You can also simply contribute by yourself and add them to the GS1BarcodeParser.swift
class, or open an issue if there is something missing for you.
You can install the library to your project by using CocoaPods. Add the following code to your Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SwiftGS1Barcode'
Alternative you can also add the direct Github source (or a different branch):
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SwiftGS1Barcode', :git => 'https://github.com/xremix/SwiftGS1Barcode', :branch => 'master'
You can add the project as a git submodule
. Simply drag the SwiftGS1Barcode.xcodeproj
file into your Xcode project.
Don't forget to add the framework in your application target
A couple of resources, used for this project.
https://www.gs1.org/docs/barcodes/GS1_General_Specifications.pdf https://www.activebarcode.de/codes/ean128_ucc128_ai.html https://www.gs1.at/fileadmin/user_upload/Liste_GS1_Austria_Application_Identifier.pdf