Conversion tool for color values specified using the
Natural Color System
This module converts colors represented in NCS format to their corresponding Hex or RGB values. It works both with first edition values and second edition values (i.e. NCS 5000-N
or NCS S 2060-G20Y
). Returns null if the color name is invalid. Note that this module does not check if the passed color value is actually possible to produce in actual manufacturing environments (only ~1950 colors are actually available).
const ncsColor = require('ncs-color');
ncsColor.hex('NCS S 2080-G20Y'); // => '#65d636'
require(['ncs-color'], function(ncsColor){
ncsColor.rgb('NCS 5000-N'); // => 'rgb(127,127,127)'
<script src=""></script>
ncsColor.hex('NCS S 2060-B'); // => '#399bd6'
$ npm install ncs-color --save
MIT © Frederik Ring