This repo contains all patches needed to compile game of life from rust into webasm served via nodejs
Please install these dependencies first:
'brew install nvm' 'nvm install --default v15'
Install the beta toolchain 'sh <(curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf --default-toolchain beta' 'cargo install wasm-pack'
Quick c&p: 'wasm-pack build && cd www && npm i && npm start'
- In the root directory execute: 'wasm-pack build'
- move to the www directory: 'cd www'
- install the build rust package 'npm i'
- Start with 'npm start'
- Open browser at: 'http://localhost:8080'
- 'docker build . -t game-of-life && docker run -it game-of-life'