A widget/dialog for controlling Qt camera settings and state. It includes all available slots for QCamera for Qt 6.8.0.
- Windows
- Linux (untested, but theoretically should work)
- MacOS (untested, but theoretically should work)
- Full control over almost every QCamera imaging property, including:
- Camera start/stop
- Auto Exposure Time
- Auto ISO Sensitivity
- Color Temperature
- Exposure Compensation
- Flash Mode
- Manual Exposure Time
- Manual ISO Sensitivity
- Torch Mode
- White Balance Mode
- Ability to pick and choose the camera format:
- Frame Rate
- Resolution
- Pixel Format
- Control over the zoom and focus of the camera, specifically:
- Zoom Factor
- Focus Mode
- Focus Distance
- FFMPEG support for UVC camera control
- Save/Close/Reset Defaults buttons functionality
- Full checks for camera feature availablility
- "Full" error handling
- Docstrings for all functions
NOTE: While the code should be fully functional, some camera features may not be recognized as "supported" due to current QCamera limitations.
- Basic camera preview:
- QVideoWidget preview
- Camera device selection
- Add auto-refresh for camera devices
- Clone the repository
- Install the necessary dependencies
- Open the solution (preferrably in Visual Studio)
- Build the solution
This is a window primarily for showing the utilization of the QtCameraControlsDialog widget. It has the following features:
- QVideoWidget for viewing the current camera preview
- Dropdown for selecting the camera device
- Automatically updates, but can be manually refreshed through the menu bar
- Menubar for certain functions and "About" links
This is the dialog window/widget that is used to control the camera options/settings. At the top, you are able to see the camera device name and toggle it on or off.
This tab is for changing the format of the camera:
- Resolution
- Pixel Format
This tab is for chaning the zoom and focus properties of the camera:
- Zoom Rate
- Zoom Factor
- Focus Mode
- Focus Distance
This tab is for changing the majority of the camera's visual properties:
- Color Temperature
- Exposure Mode
- Exposure Composition
- Flash Mode
- Auto Exposure Time
- Auto ISO Sensitivity
- Manual ISO Sensitivity
- Torch Mode
- White Balance Mode
- FFMPEG-based DirectShow UVC control window (Windows only)
- Qt 6.8.0
- QtCore
- QtMultimedia
- QtMultimediaWidgets
NOTE: If you are using Visual Studio, you should use the official Qt Visual Studio Tools extension to manage your Qt installation.