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added Wolfram utils to madness/mra/tools
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evaleev committed Sep 11, 2023
1 parent 92d30d0 commit c3fc957
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Showing 6 changed files with 306,811 additions and 9 deletions.
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions src/madness/mra/tools/MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D.wl
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
(* ::Package:: *)


MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D::usage="MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D[fp,opts] returns a plot of the orbital stored via madness::plot_cubefile and madness::print_json_treefile in files fp.cube and fp.tree.json, respectively. Option Zoom->x can be used to produce a plot in a zoomed-in section of the simulation cell. This does not need to match the zoom value given to plot_cubefile (that only affects the resolution/extent of the Gaussian Cube mesh)."


ReadTree[fileName_] :=
Module[{jsonData, cellData, treeData, boxCoords, nodesData},
jsonData = Import[fileName];
cellData = "cell" /. jsonData;
treeData = "tree" /. jsonData;
boxCoords = {};
nodesData = "nodes" /. (ToString[n] /. treeData);
Do[AppendTo[boxCoords, Prepend[Interpreter["Integer"] /@
StringSplit[Part[nodesData[[i]], 1], {"[", "]", ","}], n]], {i, Length[
{n, 0, Length[treeData] - 1}
Return[{cellData, boxCoords}]

BoxToXYZCoords[cell_, box_] :=
S = Table[cell[[xyz, 2]] - cell[[xyz, 1]], {xyz, 3}];
Return[{{cell[[1, 1]] + S[[1]] box[[2]] / (2 ^ box[[1]]), cell
[[2, 1]] + S[[2]] box[[3]] / (2 ^ box[[1]]), cell[[3, 1]] + S[[3]] box
[[4]] / (2 ^ box[[1]])}, {cell[[1, 1]] + S[[1]] (box[[2]] + 1) / (2 ^
box[[1]]), cell[[2, 1]] + S[[2]] (box[[3]] + 1) / (2 ^ box[[1]]), cell
[[3, 1]] + S[[3]] (box[[4]] + 1) / (2 ^ box[[1]])}}]

BoxToGraphics[cell_, box_, nmax_, omax_(* opacity value of the smallest
boxes *), shadeexp_(* opacity of box at level n-1 is this times smaller
than than of box at level n *)] :=
Return[{Opacity[omax / shadeexp ^ (nmax - box[[1]])], Cuboid
@@ BoxToXYZCoords[cell, box]}]

MaxLevel,MinLevel: show boxes with resolution level [nmin,nmax]
Zoom: limit PlotRange to cell/Zoom

Options[MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D] = {MaxLevel -> Infinity, MinLevel -> 0, Zoom
-> 1};

(* plots orbital and its mesh superimposed *)

MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D[filePrefix_, opt : OptionsPattern[{MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D,
Graphics3D, ListContourPlot3D, Show}]] :=
{simulationCell, boxTreeCoords, bohr2angstrom, selectedBoxes,
boxGraphics, meshPlot, orbitalPlot, nmax, nmin, zoom, omax, shadeexp,
actualNMax, plotRange}
(* process options *)
nmax = OptionValue[MaxLevel];
nmin = OptionValue[MinLevel];
zoom = OptionValue[Zoom];
(* these are hardwired since they are not needed for most users
omax = 0;(* opacity value of the smallest boxes *)
shadeexp = 1.9;(* opacity of box at level n-1 is this times smaller
than than of box at level n *)
{simulationCell, boxTreeCoords} = ReadTree[filePrefix <> ".tree.json"
]; (* the deduced hardwired value used by Wolfram when importing Gaussian
Cube file *) bohr2angstrom = 0.529177249;
simulationCell *= bohr2angstrom;
(* override default PlotRange *)
plotRange =
If[OptionValue[PlotRange] === All,
simulationCell / zoom
selectedBoxes = Select[boxTreeCoords, #[[1]] <= nmax && #[[1]]
>= nmin&];
actualNMax = MaximalBy[selectedBoxes, #[[1]]&][[1, 1]];
boxGraphics = Map[BoxToGraphics[simulationCell, #, actualNMax,
omax, shadeexp]&, selectedBoxes];
meshPlot = Graphics3D[boxGraphics, Boxed -> False, Evaluate @
FilterRules[{opt}, Options[Graphics3D]]];
orbitalPlot = Import[filePrefix <> ".cube", "Graphics3D", Boxed
-> False, Evaluate @ FilterRules[{opt}, Options[ListContourPlot3D]]]
Return[Show[{orbitalPlot, meshPlot}, Evaluate @ FilterRules[{
opt, PlotRange -> plotRange}, Options[Graphics3D]]]];


9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions src/madness/mra/tools/README

This file was deleted.

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/madness/mra/tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Contents

This directory contains various utilities:

- ... a Maple worksheet to generate the autocorrelation coefficients
- with dependencies ... a Python program to generate the two-scale coefficients. Run with `python`
- can be easily modified to generate the full-precision Gauss-Legendre coeffs
- MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D.wl ... a Wolfram language ("Mathematica", for the old school) package for plotting orbitals stored in the Gaussian Cube format (see `madness::plot_cubefile`) along with the mesh stored a JSON format (see `madness::print_tree_jsonfile`).

## MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D.wl

- if you have [](WolframScript) installed (yes by default on Windows/Linux; on a Mac need to [](download/install manually)) to plot from command-line or shell script. See a quick example in `h2-no1.wsl`; to try out execute `./h2-no1.wsl > h2-no1.pdf`
- more elaborate plotting is best done from a Mathematica notebook. Here's a brief example:
<< "/path/to/madness/source/dir/src/madness/mra/tools/MRAMeshOrbitalPlot3D.wl"
(* this assumes that data.cube (produced by madness::plot_cubefile) and data.tree.json (produced by madness::print_tree_jsonfile) exist in /path/to/data

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