Serial hex monitor based on 6502 hex monitor (wozmon) with some differences in the syntax.
It supports upper/lower case hexadecimal literals and aditional simbols for examine-block
and store
Interesting addresses to poke can be found inside the compiled elf with the toolchain's readelf
Lookup the address for static uint16_t interval
(0x00800100 here):
$ {toolchain}/avr-readelf {build-path}/serialmon.ino.elf -all | grep interval
40: 00800100 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _ZZ4loopE8interval
Ignore the MSD; only 4 LSD matter.
Type 100: 50 0
and return
on serial monitor
The builtin led will flash faster.
Ben Eater's Video on Wozmon.