Spring Security with JWT authentication
- 🍃SpringBoot
- 🍃Java 11
- 🍃SpringSecurity
- 🌶Lombok
- 🔑JWT
- Clone or download the project
- Import the project into your preferred IDE like IntelliJ for example.
- start the project
- Use a platform like postman to test routes
- URL Base: localhost:8080/
- Resource Authentication
- Requisition Type: POST, Route: /login/ (Log in with a username and password that must be sent in the request header. KEY: username KEY: password This implementation uses memory login and the two registered users are: user/user admin/admin) Note: After logging in, a token will be returned in the response header, it must be used in the next requests and lasts for 5 minutes.
- Requisition Type: GET, Route: /profile/ (This request expects an authentication token)
- Requisition Type: GET, Route: /admin/ (This request expects an authentication token)
- Resource Authentication
Felipe D. Santos