This is a new interface to the ICSD database. It requires the ICSD Intranet ICSD database available from FIZ. The project is inspired by ICSD-for-WWW by Peter Hewat.
- Import the (MySQLv5) database as received from FIZ. Make sure the database can be accessed. Check the ICSD-for-WWW manual if you have trouble.
- Copy all files over to your server. Rename to and update the MySQL host, user, password and database name accordingly.
- basically any webserver (apache, nginx, etc) should work
- PHP version 5.2 or greater (anything below needs a JSON_en/decode replacement)
- only MySQLi is currently supported
- session support is not needed but recommended (might change in the future)
- MySQL version 5+ (tested/developed with 5.5 - no idea what is actually needed...)
- tested with recent Firefox and Chrome
- IE will not work - and might never...
- no idea about Edge
- JavaScript!
- search the database with a similar text interface as ICSD-for-WWW
- select and reorder result columns
- view full database entry
- download single entries as CIF (not "perfect" yet)
- view structure directly in browser using JSmol (needs better default values and controls)
- input fields which expect text take "%" as a wildcard
- input fields which expect numbers usually also take ranges ("2.3 - 4" or "1 to 3") or limits using <, >, <=, >=
- searching for element composition:
- simple listing of elements or groups (see below)
- elements and groups may be followed by index which is matched against the complete sum formula
- "Au1 Cl" returns Au1Cl3, Au1Cl1, etc. - also AuClO if you do not limit the element count or exclude elements!
- "Au1 HAL3" returns all gold(III) halides and more (see above)
- OR operation: element list in brackets
- "Au (HAL3 or F12)" returns compounds containing gold and 3 halide atoms (same element!) or 12 fluorine atoms
- structure fragments in quotes will be matched against the structured formula
- "P2 O7" returns diphosphates
- the input field to exclude elements accepts element symbols or groups
- to search for compounds, which exclusively contain the elements listed in the composition input field, enter "ALL" into the exclude input field
- searching for lattice constants:
- if only a number is entered, a range of +-3% for axes and +-1.5% for angles is automatically applied
- fast search: enter either three, four or six numbers or number ranges to search for either a, b and c with any angle; a, b, c and beta with alpha and gamma = 90; or a, b, c, alpha, beta and gamma
- lattice constants can be specified directly; you can skip constants but they need to be ordered (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)
- e. g. "a=3-5 alpha=90"
- some input fields already display a "wrench" icon which opens a little helper for a more "mouse-friendly" input method - more available "helpers" are planed...
- all input fields display an example search as placeholder text
- in most cases: first element + G (for groups) or + P (for periods)
- main groups: ALK, ALE, BG, TET, PNC, CHA, HAL, NGS
- transition metal groups: SCG, TIG, VG, CRG, MNG, FEG, COG, NIG, CUG, ZNG
- periods: HP, LIP, NAP, KP, RBP, CSP, FRP
- ACT = actinides; LAN = lanthanides
- TRM = all trans. metals; PTM = platinum metals; SCP, YP, LAP, ACP = 3d/4d/5d/6d metals
- MET = all metals; NOM = all non-metals