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Pierce Edmiston edited this page Jul 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the wiki for setting up a computer for psychopy experiments!

If you are reading this page, it's likely you want to install the psychopy python package for running cognitive psychology experiments on your computer. psychopy has standalone installations available here:; maybe you want to try that method first? If that method doesn't work for you, this wiki is for you.

To get started, you'll need to know some basic information about the computer you are trying to run psychopy on:

  • Operating system: macOS (e.g., 10.12 aka Sierra), Windows version (e.g., Win10-64bit aka Windows 10 64-bit).
  • Python installation: Basic installer from, Anaconda installer, Enthought Canopy installer.

You also need to decide if you need the following features of psychopy:

  • Playing audio files: requires pyo or pygame.
  • Using an external device like an eyetracker: requires the additional requirements for running psychopy's iohub module.

Note: On Windows, pyo is only available for 32-bit python.