Deploy and consume artifacts in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) repositories in Leiningen projects.
A minimal wrapper around maven-wagon-gs.
The plugin uses Google Application Default Credentials for authentication. These are available automatically in e.g. Compute Engine VMs and Kubernetes Pods. You can set the credentials in your local environment with an environment variable:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/my/credentials.json"
Create the GCS bucket you are going to use and add the configuration in your application's project.clj:
:repositories [["snapshots" {:url "gs://my-bucket/snapshots"
:no-auth true
:sign-releases false}]
["releases" {:url "gs://my-bucket/releases"
:no-auth true
:sign-releases false}]]
:plugins [[lupapiste/lein-gcs-wagon "1.1"]]
See Leiningen documentation for more information about repository configuration.
Based on maven-wagon-gs by Jan Hicken and other contributors.
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0.