A Leiningen plugin that writes resources/buildid.edn file under your project.
The file will contain the following information:
environment variables set by Jenkins.time
: build timestamp in milliseconds (System/currentTimeMillis)host
: hostname of the computer running the buildhg-branch
: output fromhg branch
Environment variable names are converted to kebab-case.
Content of the file looks like this (for a mercurial project that doesn't use build promotion, sans line breaks):
{:build-number "4460",
:build-id "4460",
:build-url "http://jenkins.example.com/job/Some-Build/4460/",
:node-name "master",
:job-name "Some-Build",
:build-tag "jenkins-Some-Build-4460",
:jenkins-url "http://jenkins.example.com/",
:executor-number "1",
:java-home "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_31",
:workspace "/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Some-Build/workspace",
:svn-revision "",
:cvs-branch "",
:git-commit "",
:git-url "",
:git-branch "",
:git-tag "",
:promoted-url "",
:promoted-job-name ""
:promoted-number "",
:promoted-id "",
:host "jenkins.example.com",
:hg-branch "master",
:time 1443161425921}
Put lupapiste/lein-buildid into the :plugins
vector of your project.clj.
Run lein buildid
on Jenkins before packaging your Clojure software.
You can read the edn file like this:
(def build-id (read-string (slurp (clojure.java.io/resource "buildid.edn"))))
Note that the example will fail unless resources/buildid.edn exists. You might want to place this sample file in your local development environment:
{:java-home ""
:workspace ""
:host "localhost"
:build-url ""
:build-number "0"
:build-id "programmer"
:jenkins-url ""
:executor-number ""
:build-tag "local"
:node-name ""
:time 0
:job-name ""
:hg-branch "no-branch",
:svn-revision "",
:cvs-branch "",
:git-commit "",
:git-url "",
:git-branch "",
:promoted-url "",
:promoted-job-name ""
:promoted-number "",
:promoted-id ""}
Copyright © 2012-2015 Solita Oy
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.