My idea for the news site project was to make a travel magazine website for Iceland.
Describe how you approached to problem, and what tools and techniques you used to solve it. How did you plan? What technologies did you use? If you had more time, what would be next?
- When I got started with my project I wanted to make a cool design for my big news article using flexbox. At this time I hadn't warmed up to coding yet and I wasn't sure on how to make the design appear as I wanted it to. I had already put a lot of time into it and it wasn't working out the way I wanted to so I designed the photo for the big news article in Canva.
- I wanted to make a "most popular"-section with articles using grid as the layout and I think i wanted to use flexbox for the content but I couldn't get the photos and text to align and look consistent within it. I removed it altogether and my plan was to add it last if I had the time. Sadly, I didn't have the time.
- Struggling with when and where to use flexbox and grid. learnt that flexbox is good for complex and specific layouts. Grid is better for overall page layout and responsive design where you want to control the layout on different screens.
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