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Complete FFT example.
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lukstafi committed Feb 25, 2015
1 parent 82cc947 commit 1f73dfd
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Showing 11 changed files with 751 additions and 10 deletions.
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -1142,11 +1142,12 @@
because InvarGenT, noticing the failure, generates an OCaml source with
more type information, as if the <verbatim|-full_annot> option was used.

The example <verbatim|liquid_fft_simpler.gadt> contains assertions, but
despite them is nearly as hard as <verbatim|liquid_fft.gadt>. It needs the
option <verbatim|-same_with_assertions> to not switch to settings tuned for
cases where assertions capture the harder aspects of the invariants to
The examples <verbatim|liquid_fft_simpler.gadt> and
<verbatim|liquid_fft_full_asserted.gadt> contain assertions, but are nearly
as hard as <verbatim|liquid_fft.gadt>, <verbatim|liquid_fft_full.gadt>
respectively. They need the option <verbatim|-same_with_assertions> to not
switch to settings tuned for cases where assertions capture the harder
aspects of the invariants to infer.

Unfortunately, inference fails for some examples regardless of parameters
setting. We discuss them in the next section.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion examples/liquid_fft.gadt
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Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let fft px py = (* n must be a power of 2! *)
let cc3 = cos (deref a3) in
let ss3 = sin (deref a3) in
asgn a (plus (deref a) e);
asgn a3 (plus (deref a3) e);
asgn a3 (plus (deref a3) e3);
let rec loop1 i0 i1 i2 i3 id =
if n + 1 <= i3 then () else (* out_of_bounds *)
let g_px_i0 = array_get px i0 in
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189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions examples/liquid_fft_full.gadt
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@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
** by: Dave Edelblute, [email protected], 05 Jan 1993
** Translated from C to de Caml: Hongwei Xi, 07 Nov 1998
** Modified: R. Mayer to work with hist benchmark routines.
** Translated to InvarGenT: Lukasz Stafiniak, 30 Jan 2015
datatype Array : type * num
external let array_make :
∀n, a [0≤n]. Num n → a → Array (a, n) = "fun a b -> Array.make a b"
external let array_get :
∀n, k, a [0≤k ∧ k+1≤n]. Array (a, n) → Num k → a = "fun a b -> Array.get a b"
external let array_set :
∀n, k, a [0≤k ∧ k+1≤n]. Array (a, n) → Num k → a → () =
"fun a b c -> Array.set a b c"
external let array_length :
∀n, a [0≤n]. Array (a, n) → Num n = "fun a -> Array.length a"

external let n2i : ∀n. Num n → Int = "fun i -> i"
external let div2 : ∀n. Num (2 n) → Num n = "fun i -> i / 2"
external let div4 : ∀n. Num (4 n) → Num n = "fun i -> i / 4"
external let n2f : ∀n. Num n → Float = "float_of_int"
external let equal : ∀a. a → a → Bool = "fun x y -> x = y"
external let leq : ∀a. a → a → Bool = "fun x y -> x <= y"
external let less : ∀a. a → a → Bool = "fun x y -> x < y"
external let ignore : ∀a. a → () = "ignore"

external let abs : Float → Float = "abs_float"
external let cos : Float → Float = "cos"
external let sin : Float → Float = "sin"
external let neg : Float → Float = "(~-.)"
external let minus : Float → Float → Float = "(-.)"
external let plus : Float → Float → Float = "(+.)"
external let mult : Float → Float → Float = "( *. )"
external let div : Float → Float → Float = "( /. )"
external let fl0 : Float = "0.0"
external let fl05 : Float = "0.5"
external let fl1 : Float = "1.0"
external let fl2 : Float = "2.0"
external let fl3 : Float = "3.0"
external let fl4 : Float = "4.0"
external let pi : Float = "4.0 *. atan 1.0"
external let two_pi : Float = "8.0 *. atan 1.0"

datatype Bounded : num * num
datacons Index : ∀i, k, n[n ≤ i ∧ i ≤ k].Num i ⟶ Bounded (n, k)

let ffor s d body =
let rec loop i =
if i <= d then (body (Index i); loop (i + 1)) else () in
loop s

external let ref : ∀a. a → Ref a = "fun a -> ref a"
external let asgn : ∀a. Ref a → a → () = "fun a b -> a := b"
external let deref : ∀a. Ref a → a = "(!)"

let fft px py = (* n must be a power of 2! *)
let n = array_length px + (-1) in
let rec loop n2 n4 =
if n2 <= 2 then () else (* the case n2 = 2 is treated below *)
let e = div two_pi (n2f n2) in
let e3 = mult fl3 e in
let a = ref fl0 in
let a3 = ref fl0 in
let rec forbod j' =
match j' with Index j ->
(*for j = 1 to n4 do*)
let cc1 = cos (deref a) in
let ss1 = sin (deref a) in
let cc3 = cos (deref a3) in
let ss3 = sin (deref a3) in
asgn a (plus (deref a) e);
asgn a3 (plus (deref a3) e3);
let rec loop1 i0 i1 i2 i3 id =
if n + 1 <= i3 then () else (* out_of_bounds *)
let g_px_i0 = array_get px i0 in
let g_px_i2 = array_get px i2 in
let r1 = minus g_px_i0 g_px_i2 in
let r1' = plus g_px_i0 g_px_i2 in
array_set px i0 r1';
let g_px_i1 = array_get px i1 in
let g_px_i3 = array_get px i3 in
let r2 = minus g_px_i1 g_px_i3 in
let r2' = plus g_px_i1 g_px_i3 in
array_set px i1 r2';
let g_py_i0 = array_get py i0 in
let g_py_i2 = array_get py i2 in
let s1 = minus g_py_i0 g_py_i2 in
let s1' = plus g_py_i0 g_py_i2 in
array_set py i0 s1';
let g_py_i1 = array_get py i1 in
let g_py_i3 = array_get py i3 in
let s2 = minus g_py_i1 g_py_i3 in
let s2' = plus g_py_i1 g_py_i3 in
array_set py i1 s2';
let s3 = minus r1 s2 in
let r1 = plus r1 s2 in
let s2 = minus r2 s1 in
let r2 = plus r2 s1 in
array_set px i2 (minus (mult r1 cc1) (mult s2 ss1));
array_set py i2 (minus (mult (neg s2) cc1) (mult r1 ss1));
array_set px i3 (plus (mult s3 cc3) (mult r2 ss3));
array_set py i3 (minus (mult r2 cc3) (mult s3 ss3));
loop1 (i0 + id) (i1 + id) (i2 + id) (i3 + id) id in
let rec loop2 is id =
if n <= is then ()
else (
let i1 = is + n4 in
let i2 = i1 + n4 in
let i3 = i2 + n4 in
loop1 is i1 i2 i3 id;
loop2 (2 * id + j - n2) (4 * id)) in
loop2 j (2 * n2) in
ffor 1 n4 forbod;
loop (div2 n2) (div2 n4) in
loop n (div4 n);

let rec loop1 i0 i1 id =
if n + 1 <= i1 then () else
let r1 = array_get px i0 in
array_set px i0 (plus r1 (array_get px i1));
array_set px i1 (minus r1 (array_get px i1));
let r1 = array_get py i0 in
array_set py i0 (plus r1 (array_get py i1));
array_set py i1 (minus r1 (array_get py i1));
loop1 (i0 + id) (i1 + id) id in
let rec loop2 is id =
if n <= is then () else (
loop1 is (is + 1) id;
loop2 (2 * id + (-1)) (4 * id)) in
loop2 1 4;

let rec loop1 j k =
eif j <= k then j + k
else loop1 (j - k) (div2 k) in

let rec loop2 i j =
if n <= i then () else (
if j <= i then () else (
let xt = array_get px j in
array_set px j (array_get px i); array_set px i (xt);
let xt = array_get py j in
array_set py j (array_get py i); array_set py i (xt));
let j' = loop1 j (div2 n) in
loop2 (i + 1) j') in
loop2 1 1; n

let ffttest np =
let enp = n2f np in
let n2 = div2 np in
let npm = n2 - 1 in
let pxr = array_make (np+1) fl0 in
let pxi = array_make (np+1) fl0 in
let t = div pi enp in
array_set pxr 1 (mult (minus enp fl1) fl05);
array_set pxi 1 (fl0);
array_set pxr (n2+1) (neg (mult fl1 fl05));
array_set pxi (n2+1) fl0;
let rec forbod i =
if i <= npm then
let j = np - i in
array_set pxr (i+1) (neg (mult fl1 fl05));
array_set pxr (j+1) (neg (mult fl1 fl05));
let z = mult t (n2f i) in
let y = mult (div (cos z) (sin z)) fl05 in
array_set pxi (i+1) (neg y); array_set pxi (j+1) (y)
else () in
forbod 1;
ignore (fft pxr pxi);
(* lukstafi: kr and ki are placeholders? *)
let rec loop i zr zi kr ki =
if np <= i then (zr, zi) else
let a = abs (minus (array_get pxr (i+1)) (n2f i)) in
let b = less zr a in
let zr = if b then a else zr in
let kr = eif b then i else kr in
let a = abs (array_get pxi (i+1)) in
let b = less zi a in
let zi = if b then a else zi in
let ki = eif b then i else ki in
loop (i+1) zr zi kr ki in
let zr, zi = loop 0 fl0 fl0 0 0 in
let zm = if less (abs zr) (abs zi) then zi else zr in
(*in print_float zm; print_newline ()*) zm

let rec loop_np i np =
if 17 <= i then () else
( ignore (ffttest np); loop_np (i + 1) (2 * np) )

let doit _ = loop_np 4 16
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
datatype Array : type * num

external val array_make : ∀n, a[0 ≤ n]. Num n → a → Array (a, n)

external val array_get :
∀n, k, a[0 ≤ k ∧ k + 1 ≤ n]. Array (a, n) → Num k → a

external val array_set :
∀n, k, a[0 ≤ k ∧ k + 1 ≤ n]. Array (a, n) → Num k → a → ()

external val array_length : ∀n, a[0 ≤ n]. Array (a, n) → Num n

external val n2i : ∀n. Num n → Int

external val div2 : ∀n. Num (2 n) → Num n

external val div4 : ∀n. Num (4 n) → Num n

external val n2f : ∀n. Num n → Float

external val equal : ∀a. a → a → Bool

external val leq : ∀a. a → a → Bool

external val less : ∀a. a → a → Bool

external val ignore : ∀a. a → ()

external val abs : Float → Float

external val cos : Float → Float

external val sin : Float → Float

external val neg : Float → Float

external val minus : Float → Float → Float

external val plus : Float → Float → Float

external val mult : Float → Float → Float

external val div : Float → Float → Float

external val fl0 : Float

external val fl05 : Float

external val fl1 : Float

external val fl2 : Float

external val fl3 : Float

external val fl4 : Float

external val pi : Float

external val two_pi : Float

datatype Bounded : num * num

datacons Index : ∀i, k, n[n ≤ i ∧ i ≤ k].Num i ⟶ Bounded (n, k)

val ffor :
∀i, j, k, n[j ≤ i ∧ k ≤ n].
Num n → Num j → (Bounded (k, i) → ()) → ()

external val ref : ∀a. a → Ref a

external val asgn : ∀a. Ref a → a → ()

external val deref : ∀a. Ref a → a

val fft :
∀k, n[1 ≤ n ∧ n + 1 ≤ k].
Array (Float, n + 1) → Array (Float, k) → Num n

val ffttest : ∀n[2 ≤ n]. Num n → Float

val loop_np : ∀k, n[2 ≤ n]. Num k → Num n → ()

val doit : ∀a. a → ()

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