This is the repository for my attempt of the exercises of the Arewa Data Science 30 Days of Python, part of the first stage of the Arewa Data Science fellowship programme. Below is the breakdown of the concepts covered:
Day | Topic/Concept |
1 | Introduction |
2 | Variables_builtin_functions |
3 | Operators |
4 | Strings |
5 | Lists |
6 | Tuples |
7 | Sets |
8 | Dictionaries |
9 | Conditionals |
10 | Loops |
11 | Functions |
12 | Modules |
13 | List_comprehension |
14 | Higher_order_functions |
15 | Python_type_errors |
16 | Python_date_time |
17 | Exception_handling |
18 | Regular_expressions |
19 | File_handling/python for web |
20 | Python_package_manager |
21 | Classes_and_objects |
22 | Web_scraping |
23 | Virtual_environment |
24 | Statistics |
25 | Pandas |
26 | Python_web |
27 | Python_with_mongodb |
28 | API building |
29 | Building_API final |
30 | Conclusions |