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Local development k3d cluster with metrics tracing and logging and more

This is a local kubernetes cluster setup using k3d, ArgoCD, Prometheus, Loki, Tempo and OpenTelemetry for a very lightweight local development environment with full Observability (Logging, Metrics and Tracing). Additionally cert-manager is deployed along with a CA which is setup to be trusted by your OS and Chrome by the bootstrap process, to smoothly offer fully working SSL(TLS) certificate secured pages for your local development enjoyment.

The idea is this can be used for developers to learn kubernetes principles, test service deployments without incurring costs in a cloud provider or having enough local resource to run it all on without using VM's or external hardware.

One goal of the project is to to try adhere to a local resources principle: choosing tooling that stays local to the environment, not depending on any external services where possible. This is to allow development to be possible within local developer environments while feeling much like a pre-prod like or production like setup, complete with aggregated logging, metrics, tracing and Gitops. More features to be determined and described later.

Platform Support

Right now it's only tested on linux (ubuntu 22.04 / Archlinux) but hopefully will work on most linux environments. In future perhaps windows WSL2, Mac (maybe docker desktop?) support also to be investigated.


The project is setup using the Taskfile.yaml in the root of the project, this uses the go-task tool.

Using the asdf-vm runtime version manager to install go-task and for k3d, kubectl and helm, and many other tools, is highly recommended to use. Or brew on mac if preferred(to be tested). A .tool-versions file is provided to help onboard with asdf, providing tool versions of the dependencies where possible.

Install the non asdf dependencies in your OS before beginning, docker openssl. If not using asdf, alternate source (system package manager, other dependency tool) can provide the other tools, see the .tool-versions file for a list of requirements and optional tools.

In Ubuntu, the libnss3-tools package delivers the certutil command, allowing you to register certificates for trust by the Chrome browser. (Firefox: unknown, Mac: should be possible, Windows..emm.) Otherwise the cert can be manually added ot your browser trust through the browser security preferences.

:TODO: add description on how to reach the ca file to load manually into browsers if needed.


Another useful tool is the app which can be used to easily view your local dev environment kubernetes cluster and any other configured kubernetes clusters you may want to visually inspect or operate.


Command line tools kubectx and kubens are plugins for easily switching kubernetes cluster and current active namespaces in your ~/.kube/config file. Generally just a good idea. It is included in the asdf .tool-versions file, but otherwise see the github page ahmetb/kubectx for approaches to install it.


By installing the libnss-myhostname package, you can use *.localhost domains, on linux(Ubuntu). This can be used to resolve any depth of subdomains prefixed in front of .localhost to so you can reference services by hostnames in your local dev environment.

If you choose to do this, update the .env file with the desired LOCAL_DEV_DNS_SUFFIX.

NOTE ❗ however golang tools like argocd do not default to the libc DNS resolution nsswitch mechanism, which uses the /etc/nsswitch.conf preferences, so reliability of this is up for testing.

Bootstrap the cluster

To startup the cluster, customize the .env file, or in your shell, for example optionally export new values for the LOCAL_DEV_DNS_SUFFIX or CLUSTER_NAME environment variable in your shell, then run the bootstrap task:

export CLUSTER_NAME=mydevcluster # optional, example of using nip instead of the default domain suffix
task bootstrap

This will create a light weight (k3s based) kubernetes cluster in docker containers, including by default the traefik proxy as a load balancer and a docker registry which can be accessed at registry.<CLUSTER_NAME>.<LOCAL_DEV_DNS_SUFFIX>:5000 from within the cluster and from your workspace as localhost:5000, as well as the same dns address as within your cluster.

example use of the registry

docker build ./fastapidemo/ -f ./fastapidemo/Dockerfile -t localhost:5000/fastapidemo:v0.1
docker push localhost:5000/fastapidemo:v0.1


ArgoCD, along with the other base services(which are managed in ArgoCD) are installed by default with bootstrap. This can allow deploying components from a local directory using the argocd cli tool.

:TODO: Document example of deploying local project with argo or other options eg. Tekton, Tilt, Skaffold, gitlab local runner or other options.

During bootstrap, the argocd cli will automatically login, so argocd commands can be run on the console. But to use the web ui, got to https://argocd.<CLUSTER_NAME>.<LOCAL_DEV_DNS_SUFFIX>.

The username is defaulted to admin, and retrieve the password with:

$> kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Removing the CA cert trust

Since you don't want CA's sticking around your computer's trust store, it is deleted when you task teardown and are done with the environment. If you notice it fails to delete the manual process is below.

$> rm <OS_CERT_PATH>/k8s-<CLUSTER_NAME>-cert-manager-ca.crt
$> sudo update-ca-certificates -f 
## or if on arch or fedora
$> sudo update-ca-trust

The OS_CERT_PATH depends on the distribution of linux. For Mac and Windows cert management procedures, and a general guide in linux versions, refer to adding-trust-root-certificates

Google Chrome uses certutil from libnss3-tools package to manage the certificate trust database. You can check what certificates are registered by running

$> certutil -L -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb

If you see the local development CA in the list, you can manually remove it with:

$>certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -D -n cert-manager-<CLUSTER_NAME>-ca

Setup workload to produce traces

The fastpi-demo folder containers a simple python app to trace and produce metrics (still a WIP)

Build the container

cd fastapi-demo
docker build . -t localhost:5000/fastapidemo:v0.1
docker push localhost:5000/fastapidemo:v0.1
kubectl apply -f test_deploy.yaml

TODO: add a task to taskfile.yaml to bundle this


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