This project actually a fork of datatables_demo 1.6.2 which is work with Django 1.1 and below. For more information checkout 1. I integrated project with buildout and made it work with Django 1.3 and above. You can easily integrate project with yours if you follow instructions on this readme document.
Datatables-Datatables is a demonstration of the jQuery plug in, datatables with server side datasource from Django. The demonstration contains a working demoDjango project complete with HTML, CSS and Javascript needed to implement a complete working same.
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone git://
$ cd Django-Datatables
$ python
$ ./bin/buildout
$ ./bin/django runserver
To implement this code into your application, follow these steps:
Create an entry in and that will server the HTML and JS needed for datatables Create a separate url and view for returning a json object to datatables.
def get_surveys(request):
querySet = Survey.objects.all()
columnIndexNameMap = { 0: 'id', 1 : 'name', 2: 'description', 3: 'active', 4: 'created' }
jsonTemplatePath = 'qa/survey/json_surveys.txt'
return get_datatables_records(request, querySet, columnIndexNameMap, jsonTemplatePath)
- Create a queryset object for the model you wish the data to be drawn from (querySet)
- Create a dict for the column names, in correct display order (columnIndexNameMap)
- Return the response to get_datatables_records which is contained in