simple_JsonDecode.m is a json-file parser written in MATLAB. It reads a json-file and returns the fields as a MATLAB-struct. This script is suited for oder MATLAB versions (<2017)
In newer MATLAB versions, the 'jsondecode'-command should be available as a built-in function.
Advantage: No compilation needed!
to open a UI-menu for selecting a json file
Input: jsonFilePath: full path of json file
Output: MATLAB-struct
expected output:
ans =
struct with fields:
Modality: 'MR'
MagneticFieldStrength: 1.5000
ImagingFrequency: 63.7018
Manufacturer: 'Siemens'
ManufacturersModelName: 'Symphony'
BodyPartExamined: 'HEAD'
PatientPosition: 'HFS'
ProcedureStepDescription: 'head_general'
MRAcquisitionType: '2D'
SeriesDescription: 'localizer'
ProtocolName: 'localizer'
ScanningSequence: 'GR'
SequenceVariant: 'SP'
For a robust and validated json-parser using the ECMA JSON syntax standard, please visit the JSON function
If you are looking for a faster mexfile based version, please give a look at: matlab-json