Welcome to this repository, showcasing some of the things I have worked on during my Erasmus+ Traineeship @UPC, Barcelona, under the guidance of professor J. Masdemont. Although I have tried to keep this code as clean as possible, I also did not have the time to work on it as much as I wanted to 😔 . For this reason, I apologise for the mess you might find while playing with it 👀. Anyways. This repository contains the following folders:
This contains spice kernels used by a lot of functions present in the repo. (Of course, you will need to download mice in order to play with them!)
This contains some articles that will definitely be useful to you, because, well... they were to me too! Perhaps the three most important articles you'll find in here are:
- Jorba, Simo, Masdemont, Gomez - Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points.pdf
- UPC_Traineeship_Report.pdf (a very raw document I started writing - and which I plan to keep writing in the future - where some tedious computations are written down in LATEX. You can thank me later!)
The equations and models developed in these articles are the same you'll find scripted in the codes.
This contains various models (vector fields) for the dynamics of spacecraft under the influence of 2 or more bodies. The included models are ETBP, RTBP, HILL3B and Full Ephemeris Model.
This contains miscellaneous functions that are called by scripts in MAIN EXAMPLES, or that I needed to write at some point, to make my life easier. NOTE: Most of them have been validated, others have not.
This contains examples showcasing the things you can do with the functions present in the MISCELLANEOUS folder.
This folder contains intial seeds orbit files for the perform_parallel_shooting function found in the MAIN_EXAMPLES folder.
This contains some functions given to me by Masde, but they were just used as a reference, and are not used in the examples.
This contains some outputs of the MAIN_EXAMPLES functions, so that you know how things should look like, more or less.
This contains orbits that have undergone parallel shooting, and are ready to be used for the computation of the residual acceleration, as it is done in: MAIN_EXAMPLES/etbp_rtbp_hill3b_lissajous_comparison_3d_orbit.m
I hope this messy repo will be useful for your future projects.