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Merge pull request #106 from mattspataro/guardrails-for-monitoring
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Change Piezo UI to Prevent Job Trigger Periods that are Longer than the Monitoring Period
  • Loading branch information
mattspataro authored Jul 6, 2023
2 parents c7f45b1 + 6b9e151 commit 0bc23c0
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Showing 3 changed files with 308 additions and 38 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,20 @@ package com.lucidchart.piezo.admin.controllers

import com.lucidchart.piezo.TriggerMonitoringPriority
import com.lucidchart.piezo.TriggerMonitoringPriority.TriggerMonitoringPriority
import com.lucidchart.piezo.admin.utils.CronHelper
import java.text.ParseException
import org.quartz._
import{Form, FormError}
import{Constraint, Invalid, Valid, ValidationError}
import{Constraint, Constraints, Invalid, Valid, ValidationError}

class TriggerFormHelper(scheduler: Scheduler) extends JobDataHelper {

private def simpleScheduleFormApply(repeatCount: Int, repeatInterval: Int): SimpleScheduleBuilder = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,14 +45,14 @@ class TriggerFormHelper(scheduler: Scheduler) extends JobDataHelper {
cron: Option[CronScheduleBuilder],
jobDataMap: Option[JobDataMap],
triggerMonitoringPriority: String,
triggerMaxErrorTime: Int
triggerMaxErrorTime: Int,
): (Trigger, TriggerMonitoringPriority, Int) = {
val newTrigger: Trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger()
val newTrigger: Trigger = TriggerBuilder
.withIdentity(name, group)
triggerType match {
case "cron" => cron.get
.withSchedule(triggerType match {
case "cron" => cron.get
case "simple" => simple.get
.forJob(jobName, jobGroup)
Expand All @@ -57,23 +61,24 @@ class TriggerFormHelper(scheduler: Scheduler) extends JobDataHelper {
(newTrigger, TriggerMonitoringPriority.withName(triggerMonitoringPriority), triggerMaxErrorTime)

private def triggerFormUnapply(tp: (Trigger, TriggerMonitoringPriority, Int)):
Option[JobDataMap], String, Int
] = {
private def triggerFormUnapply(tp: (Trigger, TriggerMonitoringPriority, Int)): Option[
] = {
val trigger = tp._1
val (triggerType: String, simple, cron) = trigger match {
case cron: CronTrigger => ("cron", None, Some(cron.getScheduleBuilder))
case cron: CronTrigger => ("cron", None, Some(cron.getScheduleBuilder))
case simple: SimpleTrigger => ("simple", Some(simple.getScheduleBuilder), None)
val description = if (trigger.getDescription() == null) "" else trigger.getDescription()
Expand All @@ -89,8 +94,8 @@ class TriggerFormHelper(scheduler: Scheduler) extends JobDataHelper {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,20 +132,56 @@ class TriggerFormHelper(scheduler: Scheduler) extends JobDataHelper {
"jobGroup" -> nonEmptyText(),
"jobName" -> nonEmptyText(),
"description" -> text(),
"simple" -> optional(mapping(
"repeatCount" -> number(),
"repeatInterval" -> number()
"cron" -> optional(mapping(
"cronExpression" -> nonEmptyText().verifying(validCronExpression)
"simple" -> optional(
"repeatCount" -> number(),
"repeatInterval" -> number(),
"cron" -> optional(
"cronExpression" -> nonEmptyText().verifying(validCronExpression),
"job-data-map" -> jobDataMap,
"triggerMonitoringPriority" -> nonEmptyText(),
"triggerMaxErrorTime" -> number()
)(triggerFormApply)(triggerFormUnapply).verifying("Job does not exist", fields => {
}).verifying("Max time between successes must be greater than 0", fields => {
fields._3 > 0
"triggerMaxErrorTime" -> of(MaxSecondsBetweenSuccessesFormatter).verifying(Constraints.min(0)),
"Job does not exist",
fields => {

object MaxSecondsBetweenSuccessesFormatter extends Formatter[Int] {
override val format = Some(("format.triggerMaxErrorTime", Nil))
override def bind(key: String, data: Map[String, String]): Either[Seq[FormError], Int] = {
for {
maxSecondsBetweenSuccesses <- parsing(_.toInt, "Numeric value expected", Nil)(key, data)
maxIntervalTime <- {
if (data.contains("cron.cronExpression")) {
parsing(expr => CronHelper.getMaxInterval(expr), "try again.", Nil)(
} else {
parsing(_.toLong, "try again.", Nil)("simple.repeatInterval", data)
_ <- Either.cond(
maxSecondsBetweenSuccesses > maxIntervalTime,
s"Must be greater than the maximum trigger interval ($maxIntervalTime seconds)",
} yield maxSecondsBetweenSuccesses
override def unbind(key: String, value: Int) = Map(key -> value.toString)
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions admin/app/com/lucidchart/piezo/admin/utils/CronHelper.scala
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package com.lucidchart.piezo.admin.utils

import java.time.temporal.{ChronoUnit, TemporalUnit}
import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, Month, ZoneOffset}
import java.util.{Date, TimeZone}
import org.quartz.CronExpression
import play.api.Logging
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object CronHelper extends Logging {
val NON_EXISTENT: Int = -1

* Approximates the largest interval between two trigger events for a given cron expression. This is a difficult
* problem to solve perfectly, so this represents a "best effort approach" - the goal is to handle the most
* expressions with the least amount of complexity.
* Known limitations:
* 1. Daylight savings
* 1. Complex year subexpressions
* @param cronExpression
def getMaxInterval(cronExpression: String): Long = {
try {
val (secondsMinutesHourStrings, dayStrings) = cronExpression.split("\\s+").splitAt(3)
val subexpressions = getSubexpressions(secondsMinutesHourStrings :+ dayStrings.mkString(" ")).reverse

// find the largest subexpression that is not continuously triggering (*)
val outermostIndex = subexpressions.indexWhere(!_.isContinuouslyTriggering)
if (outermostIndex == NON_EXISTENT) 1
else {
// get the max interval for this expression
val outermost = subexpressions(outermostIndex)
else {
// subtract the inner intervals of the smaller, nested subexpressions
val nested = subexpressions.slice(outermostIndex + 1, subexpressions.size)
val innerIntervalsOfNested = nested.collect { case expr: BoundSubexpression => expr.innerInterval }.sum
outermost.maxInterval - innerIntervalsOfNested

} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logger.error("Failed to validate cron expression", e)

private def getSubexpressions(parts: Array[String]): IndexedSeq[Subexpression] = {
.zip(List(Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days))
.map { case (str, cronType) => cronType(str) }

case class Seconds(str: String) extends BoundSubexpression(str, x => s"$x * * ? * *", ChronoUnit.SECONDS, 60)
case class Minutes(str: String) extends BoundSubexpression(str, x => s"0 $x * ? * *", ChronoUnit.MINUTES, 60)
case class Hours(str: String) extends BoundSubexpression(str, x => s"0 0 $x ? * *", ChronoUnit.HOURS, 24)
case class Days(str: String) extends UnboundSubexpression(str, x => s"0 0 0 $x", 400)

abstract class Subexpression(str: String, getSimplifiedCron: String => String) {
def maxInterval: Long
def isContinuouslyTriggering: Boolean

protected def startDate: Date
final protected lazy val cron: CronExpression = {
val newCron = new CronExpression(getSimplifiedCron(str))
newCron.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) // use a timezone without daylight savings

* Represents a subexpression in which the range over which the triggers occur is bound or fixed. For example, seconds
* always occur within a minute, minutes always occur within an hour, and hours always occur within a day. Because the
* range is fixed, we can determine all possibilities by sampling over the entire range.
abstract class BoundSubexpression(
str: String,
getSimplifiedCron: String => String,
temporalUnit: TemporalUnit,
val numUnitsInContainer: Long,
) extends Subexpression(str, getSimplifiedCron) {

final override protected val startDate = new Date(BoundSubexpression.startInstant.toEpochMilli)
final protected val endDate = Date.from(, temporalUnit),
final override lazy val maxInterval: Long = getMaxInterval(cron, startDate, endDate, 0)
final override lazy val isContinuouslyTriggering: Boolean = maxInterval == temporalUnit.getDuration.getSeconds

* The interval between the first and last trigger within the range, or "everything but the ends". Should encompass
* every trigger produced by the subexpression.
final lazy val innerInterval: Long = getInnerInterval(cron, startDate, endDate)

private def getMaxInterval(expr: CronExpression, prev: Date, end: Date, maxInterval: Long): Long = {
Option(expr.getTimeAfter(prev)) match {
case Some(curr) if !prev.after(end) => // iterate once past the "end" in order to wrap around
val currentInterval = (curr.getTime - prev.getTime) / 1000
val newMax = Math.max(currentInterval, maxInterval)
getMaxInterval(expr, curr, end, newMax)
case _ => maxInterval

private def getInnerInterval(expr: CronExpression, prev: Date, end: Date): Long = {
Option(expr.getTimeAfter(prev)).fold(Long.MaxValue) { firstTriggerDate =>
val firstTriggerTime = firstTriggerDate.getTime / 1000
val lastTriggerTime = getLastTriggerTime(expr, firstTriggerDate, end)
lastTriggerTime - firstTriggerTime

private def getLastTriggerTime(expr: CronExpression, prev: Date, end: Date): Long = {
Option(expr.getTimeAfter(prev)) match { // stop iterating before going past the "end"
case Some(curr) if !curr.after(end) => getLastTriggerTime(expr, curr, end)
case _ => prev.getTime / 1000

object BoundSubexpression {
final protected val startInstant: Instant = LocalDate
.of(2010, Month.SEPTEMBER, 3)
.minus(1, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)

* Represents a subexpression that is unbound, meaning that the range over which triggers occur is unknown, or is
* variable. For example, days can occur within a week, month, or year, and each of these ranges can vary in size.
* Because we can't determine the range over which days are triggered, we estimate the max interval by sampling a
* certain number of times. The larger the number of samples, the more accurate the estimate.
abstract class UnboundSubexpression(
str: String,
getSimplifiedCron: String => String,
val maxNumSamples: Long,
) extends Subexpression(str, getSimplifiedCron)
with Logging {

final override protected val startDate = new Date
final override lazy val maxInterval: Long = getSampledMaxInterval(startDate, maxNumSamples, cron)
final override lazy val isContinuouslyTriggering: Boolean = str.split(" ").forall(expr => expr == "*" || expr == "?")

private def getSampledMaxInterval(prev: Date, numSamples: Long, expr: CronExpression, maxInterval: Long = 0): Long = {
Option(expr.getTimeAfter(prev)) match {
case Some(next) if numSamples > 0 =>
val intervalInSeconds = (next.getTime - prev.getTime) / 1000
if (intervalInSeconds > maxInterval) {
val sampleId = maxNumSamples - numSamples
logger.debug(s"Seconds:$intervalInSeconds Sample:$sampleId Interval:$prev -> $next")
getSampledMaxInterval(next, numSamples - 1, expr, Math.max(intervalInSeconds, maxInterval))
case _ => if (prev.equals(startDate)) CronHelper.IMPOSSIBLE_MAX_INTERVAL else maxInterval
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions admin/test/com/lucidchart/piezo/admin/util/CronHelperTest.scala
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package com.lucidchart.piezo.admin.util

import com.lucidchart.piezo.admin.utils.CronHelper
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class CronHelperTest extends Specification {

val SECOND: Int = 1
val MINUTE: Int = 60 * SECOND
val HOUR: Int = 60 * MINUTE
val DAY: Int = 24 * HOUR
val WEEK: Int = 7 * DAY
val YEAR: Int = 365 * DAY
val IMPOSSIBLE: Long = Long.MaxValue

def maxInterval(str: String): Long = CronHelper.getMaxInterval(str)

"CronHelper" should {
"validate basic cron expressions" in {
maxInterval("* * * * * ?") mustEqual SECOND // every second
maxInterval("0 * * * * ?") mustEqual MINUTE // second 0 of every minute
maxInterval("0 0 * * * ?") mustEqual HOUR // second 0 during minute 0 of every hour
maxInterval("0 0 0 * * ?") mustEqual DAY // second 0 during minute 0 during hour 0 of every day
maxInterval("* 0 * * * ?") mustEqual (HOUR - MINUTE + SECOND) // every second during minute 0
maxInterval("* * 0 * * ?") mustEqual (DAY - HOUR + SECOND)

"validate more basic cron expressions" in {
maxInterval("0/1 0-59 */1 * * ?") mustEqual SECOND // variations on 1 second
maxInterval("* * 0-23 * * ?") mustEqual SECOND
maxInterval("22 2/6 * * * ?") mustEqual 6 * MINUTE // 22nd second of every 6th minute after minute 2
maxInterval("*/15 * * * * ?") mustEqual 15 * SECOND
maxInterval("30 10 */1 * * ?") mustEqual HOUR
maxInterval("15 * * * * ?") mustEqual MINUTE
maxInterval("3,2,1,0 45,44,16,15 6,5,4 * * ? *") mustEqual (21 * HOUR + 29 * MINUTE + 57 * SECOND)
maxInterval("50-0 30-40 14-12 * * ?") mustEqual (1 * HOUR + 49 * MINUTE + 1 * SECOND)
maxInterval("0 0 8-4 * * ?") mustEqual 4 * HOUR
maxInterval("0 0 0/6 * * ? *") mustEqual 6 * HOUR
maxInterval("0 10,20,30 * * ? *") mustEqual 40 * MINUTE
maxInterval("0-10/2 0-5,20-25 0,5-11/2,20-23 * ? *") mustEqual 8 * HOUR + 34 * MINUTE + 50 * SECOND

"validate complex cron expressions" in {
maxInterval("0/15 * * 1-12 * ?") mustEqual 19 * DAY + 15 * SECOND // every 15 seconds on days 1-12 of the month
maxInterval("* * * * 1-11 ?") mustEqual 31 * DAY + SECOND // every second of every month except for december
maxInterval("* * * * * ? 1998") mustEqual IMPOSSIBLE // every second of 1998
maxInterval("0 0 0 29 2 ? *") mustEqual 8 * YEAR + DAY // 8 years since we skip leap day roughly every 100 years
maxInterval("* * * 29 2 ? *") mustEqual 8 * YEAR + SECOND // every second on leap day
maxInterval("0 11 11 11 11 ?") mustEqual LEAP_YEAR // every november 11th at 11:11am
maxInterval("1 2 3 ? * 6") mustEqual WEEK // every saturday
maxInterval("0 15 10 ? * 6#3") mustEqual 5 * WEEK // third saturday of every month
maxInterval("0 15 10 ? * MON-FRI") mustEqual 3 * DAY // every weekday
maxInterval("0 0 0/6 * 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ? *") mustEqual DAY - (18 * HOUR)
maxInterval("* * * 1-31 * ?") mustEqual SECOND
maxInterval("* * * * 1-12 ?") mustEqual SECOND
maxInterval("* * * ? * 1-7") mustEqual SECOND

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