summary | time | deliverables |
Create & design the web app by doing all the necessary UX to create a good project. |
10 hours |
Organized UX documents |
Throughout the term you’ll be working on teams to make a small web app prototype. The first step is doing a thorough job of the user experience.
Do everything expected in your IxD class to plan and focus this web application.
- One team member is the UX lead, they will be the guide, but everybody must contribute.
- Team contributions should be logged on GitHub for assessment purposes.
- Follow the standardized Agile Sprint framework.
- The ultimate goal of the UX is a testable interactive prototype. But if your team is confident with their wireframes & their code skills they could skip right into coding instead of an interactive prototype in Adobe XD.
The subject matter of the web app is completely your choice. It’s a good idea to keep the focus of the application small so it’s manageable to complete in the allotted time (5 weeks UX, 4 weeks code).
For the UX, create the following pieces of information (and anything else you deem necessary):
- Target audience: Who will use your app? Be specific; Personas are encouraged
- Website goals & value proposition: What is your app trying to do? How is it trying to do that? Why?
- Competitive analysis: Find competitors; What do they do well? What do they do poorly?
- Sitemap & task flows: Include all the possible screens that the app would need and how the user will access those screens
- A name & logo: Logo must work well (or adapt to) these sizes:
- Visual design: Type, colours, sample components (buttons, cards, etc.); Sample patterns to give your coding direction
- Wireframe sketches: Each screen of your application should have wireframe sketches for every responsive break point These don’t need to be high-fidelity, the high-fidelity versions can be completed as part of the interactive wireframe in Adobe XD
- (Optionally) Testable interactive wireframe: (In Adobe XD) We want to get this tested as soon as possible—some teams may forgo this step because they’d rather jump right into code
And whatever else you deem necessary to fully explore and plan the idea.
As the team responsible for making this application it’s up to you to determine if the UX you created is successful and up to your IxD class’s standards.
- We’ll be setting up a marking rubric to define your success criteria.
- Determine what grade you deserve for the time and effort you put into the UX.
- Consider how well your team worked together and how that should be reflected in your grade.
- Comment on the rubric Issue, as team, to determine your deserved grade—essentially fill out the rubric for yourselves.
- How should all this documentation be shown and presented† to the teacher.
- Is the final result something you’re proud of? Would you show it in your portfolio? Would you give it to a paying client?
You’ll be assigned the grade you deem necessary after discussion with the teacher. Be honest—I’ll know.
During the class that this is due your team will show the teacher and discuss with them what you’ve created. Your presentation† of the UX documentation should be highly organized and ordered. Consider how it should be presented, the order, etc. for the best pitch.
You’ll will be assigned the grade you chose on the spot—unless the teacher deems your self assessment to be incorrect, in which case you’ll have to refine what you think you deserve.
† — “presentation” in the loose sense: you won’t be getting up in front of the class to present formally, we will sit around a table and discuss the UX, but you will be pitching it to me.